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What base to use for sauce?

I'm trying to make some homemade sauces, and looking for a good base.
Some sauces I've seen are using carrots, but I was thinking more of eggplants or artichokes.
Am I making any sense? I'm also not really sure how to prepare the base.
Should I bake the vegetables? fry them? grill them, or what?
I'm looking for a tasty creamy texture. :)
bentalphanerd said:
My 8 year old is always telling me that if it has seeds on the inside, its a fruit.

I should begin by admitting that most 8 year olds are smarter than me. Thank you Jeff Foxworthy.
I am curious as to how your kid would explain strawberries.
I think the question is an eternal paradox. Back in the 80's Ronald Reagan told us that ketchup was a vegetable and Tommy Chong told us that if it has seeds inside it's ditch weed. I've never visited the White House or Acapulco, so who knows.

I do know that fresh cucumber makes my hot sauce extra tasty.
lol - yeah thats where start banging on about how theres always exceptions in science even as much as if something is a plant or an animal can be questioned by the existence of the euglena.... ......and generally change the subject :D

i did have a quick dictionary hunt though & it seems the strawberry is actually a perennial herbs which puts it in the banana category.

confused? i am :D
StoneySauce said:
I should begin by admitting that most 8 year olds are smarter than me. Thank you Jeff Foxworthy.
I am curious as to how your kid would explain strawberries.
I think the question is an eternal paradox. Back in the 80's Ronald Reagan told us that ketchup was a vegetable and Tommy Chong told us that if it has seeds inside it's ditch weed. I've never visited the White House or Acapulco, so who knows.

I do know that fresh cucumber makes my hot sauce extra tasty.
If I'm not mistaken, the red fleshy bit in strawberries is actually a large receptacle and the little dark dots are the fruits. just like how the fleshy bit on the cashew tree isn't really a fruit and the kidney shape husk is.