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What Books are You Reading Right Now?

Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual Vol. II: Editing
Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual Vol. III: Audio Mixing and Effects

After I'm done with this dry reading though, it will be time for some fiction of some kind.
Finished 'The Screwtape Letters' by C.S. Lewis today and started 'Mere Christianity' by C.S. Lewis.

I love my $79 Kindle as I have read 19 books since December. I have never read that many books in a row in all my 50 years on this Earth. :lol:
Not reading so much as scanning to understand industry standards.
I recommend anyone who has a grow store locally check them out to see if they have this catalog. It's free!
There are grips of info in it, anything from power consumption regarding lighting to nutrient feed charts for a bunch of companies.
A good book to use to compare products and see what else is in the market that you might not be aware of..

I'm reading John Locke, the Donovan Creed series. In his last novel "Callie's Last Dance", there is a torture scene using hot chillies as the instrument, quite interesting. I wonder what you experts think about the accuracy of it all. It was a great read.

[background=rgb(255, 255, 0)]Purchase Link:[/background][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)] [/background]http://tinyurl.com/dyp349n

Have a great day everyone!
Any NRBQ fans here? The 1st video is what most fans considere to be the "original" lineup. The 2nd video features the new lineup (original member Terry Adams (easily the BEST piano player ever to walk the planet) is the only remaining member).

Woops!! I forgot what topic I was in....but I did just finish 11-22-63 by Stephen King -- totally awesome book! Highly recommended.
One more for the road...same lineup as the "new" one listed above, but in between the old lineup disbanding (1972-1994) & Terry officially taking back the NRBQ moniker, he called them his "Rock & Roll Quartet".

and one more from when Big Al Anderson (lead guitar) left the band (1994) & the bass player's (Joey Spampinato) littler brother (Johhny Spampinato) joined (1995-2004) the lineup

Damned by Chuck Palahniuk 6/10 The dialogue got tiresome by midway through the book.

The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove by Christopher Moore 8/10 Funny and strange as usual.

The Integral Trees by Larry Niven 7/10 It finished better than it started.
Anything by Grisham...I have read all of his novels and go into DTs after reading the latest one waiting for the next one to come out...

Oh yeah...if you are a dog lover, A Dogs Purpose and A Dogs Journey is a must read...these will make you cry, make you giggle like a little school girl, make you angry...the whole gamut of emotions and is written from the eyes of a dog...
Woops!! I forgot what topic I was in....but I did just finish 11-22-63 by Stephen King -- totally awesome book! Highly recommended.

Been wanting to get around to that one.

Lately, I have been reading the works of Stephen Baxter. I first picked up the book The Time Ships because I didn't have anything to read, and my sister had brought it to my house. Started reading it, and was like, "Whoa!" I had to check to see when it was written, because what I did not realize was that it was the only authorized sequel to The Time Machine by H. G. Wells, and he nailed the writing style perfectly.

I have checked the dates on his other books too, not because of the writing styles, but by the prescience with which he wrote them, something I haven't done since reading the tales of Isaac Asimov. If you like hard science fiction, by that I mean science fiction that is heavily researched and based on real theories and research papers, I would highly recommend him.
Reading Game of Thrones right now. Great book...

Finished 'The Screwtape Letters' by C.S. Lewis today and started 'Mere Christianity' by C.S. Lewis.

I love my $79 Kindle as I have read 19 books since December. I have never read that many books in a row in all my 50 years on this Earth. :lol:

You should consider reading the Chronicles of Narnia. I know they're children's books but it's really interesting to read when you're older...all of the symbolism kind of jumps right out at you. You can also make the argument that each book is representative of one of the 7 deadly sins...interesting stuff. Mere Christianity was great btw. :)
Thanks Sheena, I have those on the Kindle as well and may read them someday. :lol:

I just started. "Teaming with Microbes: The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web" on Friday.
Fascinating stuff. ;)