What color is Pepper X ?

AJ Drew said:
I am sorry I missed this earlier because the first line is incredible.  In fact, that is my aim.  Thanks to a series of really strange events in my life, its about all I can do these days.  My farm uses very little machinery compared to most, so it really is large scale gardening more than small scale farming.  Not sure if that makes sense.  Thing is, even if I had not gotten to this point via adversity, I would love being here.  It is an amazing feeling to know holiday gifts came from something I grew from something as small as a pepper seed.

It is an AMAZING life.  But it is huge and often painful work.  If you are serious about being interested in the profession, I am more than happy to share what little I have figured out so far.
Thank you sir.
But living the dream in California is a soul crusher.  You probably would not believe this but a lot of people out here are off the flipping chart nuts.
Instead of throwing everything I had at an IRA I invested in a younger wife.  Once I convince her to get 2 jobs I can retire.  Its slow going but a few more years and I think it will work.    
Elscott said:
Instead of throwing everything I had at an IRA I invested in a younger wife.  Once I convince her to get 2 jobs I can retire.  Its slow going but a few more years and I think it will work.    
You invested in a younger wife?  I do not believe I have ever heard marriage called an investment.  I also think if my wife ever heard me say such a thing it would be one of the last things I ever said.  Right before No honey, please put that axe down.
AJ Drew said:
You invested in a younger wife?  I do not believe I have ever heard marriage called an investment.  I also think if my wife ever heard me say such a thing it would be one of the last things I ever said.  Right before No honey, please put that axe down.
Well I would never say such a thing out loud I typed it and there is a difference.  And that's my story.  Any way she could care less about peppers or politics so would never look at my laptop.
Major Pain said:
With all the drama, I feel Pepper X is just a Bait-and-switch.    To me, any hot pepper could be in the bottles.

Assuming you mean they ran out of the first pepper and substituted the second to keep sauce sales going, wouldnt you think that would bite a business in the rear?

I think it is.  My take is:
  Not only is the community wondering what's going on, but others who bought the sauce...Is it a green moruga based pepper, or something red?
There are some that don't agree with their practices (disclaimer when buying seeds, etc).  Then the lab results that were suppose to be revealed during the month of November that didn't happen... The review of a green/ under ripe pepper.. no idea what to make of that.
You'd think if a pepper hit the 3 mil range.. that the results would be plastered everywhere, and then some.
The whole thing makes my head numb, and leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
As a recipient of fake Pepper X pods, I think I can clear up the reviews that say it is not so hot.  Someone mailed a bunch of mostly off shaped green moruga to random seed sellers and pod reviewers.  Then they somehow tricked Puckerbutt into contacting the police.  It worked like a charm.  Although the Fire Breathing Idiot said they were not all that hot, he then made a video about how Federal Authorities reportedly wanted to question him.  The story became newsworthy and now folk believe Pepper X was stolen from Puckerbutt's secret garden behind a ten foot fence.  So when other seed dealers have it in about five months, there is a back story that lends credit to the idea they have actual Pepper X seeds.

I am NOT saying this is ethical business practice, just that I suspect this is what took place.  You wait, I am sure so called Pepper X seed will be all over by this summer and people will believe it.  Nasty blow to Puckerbutt because unless they release their seed now, the name and all the publicity around it will be diluted by the time they do.
AJ Drew said:
As a recipient of fake Pepper X pods, I think I can clear up the reviews that say it is not so hot.  Someone mailed a bunch of mostly off shaped green moruga to random seed sellers and pod reviewers.  Then they somehow tricked Puckerbutt into contacting the police.  It worked like a charm.  Although the Fire Breathing Idiot said they were not all that hot, he then made a video about how Federal Authorities reportedly wanted to question him.  The story became newsworthy and now folk believe Pepper X was stolen from Puckerbutt's secret garden behind a ten foot fence.  So when other seed dealers have it in about five months, there is a back story that lends credit to the idea they have actual Pepper X seeds.

I am NOT saying this is ethical business practice, just that I suspect this is what took place.  You wait, I am sure so called Pepper X seed will be all over by this summer and people will believe it.  Nasty blow to Puckerbutt because unless they release their seed now, the name and all the publicity around it will be diluted by the time they do.

I believe they have pepper x seeds, but like the comment above said, the results should be back now if not at least a small bit of data should. by a small bit of data we could see if it might have a chance at being 3 mill. shu's. I think they are not releasing it because if it is not as hot as it claims, then they are still making a ton of money off the hot sauce in the meantime.
NIbbles said:
I believe they have pepper x seeds, but like the comment above said, the results should be back now if not at least a small bit of data should. by a small bit of data we could see if it might have a chance at being 3 mill. shu's. I think they are not releasing it because if it is not as hot as it claims, then they are still making a ton of money off the hot sauce in the meantime.
You said "I believe they have pepper x seeds"
I assume you believe they have  single variety that they are calling Pepper X then?  Then back to the start, what color is Pepper X?

I am sincerely not trying to razz the folk at Puckerbutt.  I think they are absolute marketing genius at what they do.  I counted maybe a dozen or so different times the owner had a different story for how the Carolina Reaper came to exist, lost track of how many different crosses he claimed.  Then there was the Reaper is a Primo controversy that spawned a bunch of new hot sauces.  Now look at how popular the Carolina Reaper is..
Then we had Death Strain.  It made the news media.  It turned heads.  People asked me for the seed often and I sent them to the Puckerbutt website to inquire.  Even though the pepper was never released, they got tons of free advertising from the media and then from folk like me. 

So the Dragons Breath comes out.  Is it all that hot?  I dont care, I am growing it because it is reportedly a new pepper and I am curious.  Oh, but cant let that stay in the headlines.  Right on its tales comes Pepper X.  Timing has to be intentional because all the media says it beats Dragons Breath. 

Now, something like the Carolina Reaper is going on.  Only instead of the lineage changing, it is the color.  The sauce goes from green to red, folk speculate is it a green pepper or a red pepper. 

In the media, Puckerbutt is back on top.  In folks minds the Pepper X has beat Dragon's Breath.  Not one test published.  Not one record awarded.  Controversy around both pepper is so thick it is unreal.  But people overwhelmingly believe there was some sort of contest and Pepper X won so they think Puckerbutt won.
And they did!  It is absolutely amazing.  They are complete marketing genius.  No matter how anyone feels about the business, you gotta admit having a top selling hot sauce made from a pepper never shown to exist is AMAZING. 
AJ Drew said:
You said "I believe they have pepper x seeds"
I assume you believe they have  single variety that they are calling Pepper X then?  Then back to the start, what color is Pepper X?

I am sincerely not trying to razz the folk at Puckerbutt.  I think they are absolute marketing genius at what they do.  I counted maybe a dozen or so different times the owner had a different story for how the Carolina Reaper came to exist, lost track of how many different crosses he claimed.  Then there was the Reaper is a Primo controversy that spawned a bunch of new hot sauces.  Now look at how popular the Carolina Reaper is..
Then we had Death Strain.  It made the news media.  It turned heads.  People asked me for the seed often and I sent them to the Puckerbutt website to inquire.  Even though the pepper was never released, they got tons of free advertising from the media and then from folk like me. 

So the Dragons Breath comes out.  Is it all that hot?  I dont care, I am growing it because it is reportedly a new pepper and I am curious.  Oh, but cant let that stay in the headlines.  Right on its tales comes Pepper X.  Timing has to be intentional because all the media says it beats Dragons Breath. 

Now, something like the Carolina Reaper is going on.  Only instead of the lineage changing, it is the color.  The sauce goes from green to red, folk speculate is it a green pepper or a red pepper. 

In the media, Puckerbutt is back on top.  In folks minds the Pepper X has beat Dragon's Breath.  Not one test published.  Not one record awarded.  Controversy around both pepper is so thick it is unreal.  But people overwhelmingly believe there was some sort of contest and Pepper X won so they think Puckerbutt won.
And they did!  It is absolutely amazing.  They are complete marketing genius.  No matter how anyone feels about the business, you gotta admit having a top selling hot sauce made from a pepper never shown to exist is AMAZING. 
yes! this is exactly what i am saying. there are no test on either of these peppers, only speculation and what the growers say. I can not force myself to believe any of these peppers are what people say they are until there is scientific proof. They are using these peppers as advertisement and showing who is better and not to mess with them. all I want in a pepper is a cool looking, tasty, over 1million shu pepper. other than that, I do not care what people say unless there is proof that it is the hottest

AJ Drew said:
No matter how anyone feels about the business, you gotta admit having a top selling hot sauce made from a pepper never shown to exist is AMAZING.

Coincidentally, I have a bottle of Dragon's Breath sauce, now containing actual Dragon's Breath, due to arrive and be reviewed any day now.
spicefreak said:
Coincidentally, I have a bottle of Dragon's Breath sauce, now containing actual Dragon's Breath, due to arrive and be reviewed any day now.
Yes but not long ago you could purchase Dragon's Breath plant and now you can purchase the seeds.  Before long, you will be able to buy fresh peppers.  What ever it is, it exists.
Pepper X on the other hand: No definitive photos of pods, changes color, no plants for sale, no seeds for sale, misinformation about Guinness, misinformation about testing and (here is the punch line) no set name yet.  And yet, something like 2,000 bottles of hot sauce sold in the first five minutes.  Not just Wow but triple Wow.  The Puckerbutt people are marketing genius.
If Puckerbutt doesnt produce proof that they have a chilli hotter than the Reaper in the next few years then Ill take that as confirmation that the Reaper is or at least started out as the Primo, and the rest is all marketing BS.

By proof I mean a tested Guinness record and selling seeds for independent hobbyists to grow and confirm for themselves.
Jase4224 said:
If Puckerbutt doesnt produce proof that they have a chilli hotter than the Reaper in the next few years then Ill take that as confirmation that the Reaper is or at least started out as the Primo, and the rest is all marketing BS.

By proof I mean a tested Guinness record and selling seeds for independent hobbyists to grow and confirm for themselves.

I've been thinking the same thing about the Reaper for a while. I couldn't get past all the Bull.
Jase4224 said:
If Puckerbutt doesnt produce proof that they have a chilli hotter than the Reaper in the next few years then Ill take that as confirmation that the Reaper is or at least started out as the Primo, and the rest is all marketing BS.

By proof I mean a tested Guinness record and selling seeds for independent hobbyists to grow and confirm for themselves.
I am telling you man, Pepper by Mail's Magical Unicorn Toe Pepper is the next hottest in the world.  It is infinity x infinity shu.  Nobody can beat that.  I would post a picture, but just looking at it can kill you.
Major Pain said:
What about the reports of spontaneous combustion?
Yes, you see I discovered rather than created the Magical Unicorn Toe Pepper.  It has actually been a closely guarded secret of a secret cult of assassins which are responsible for all the legitimate reports of spontaneous human combustion.