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What Did I do Today? Only about chilli peppers


All of us are crazy about Hot peppers and peppers in general.
Every day, we do something about satifying our quest for HEAT in the form of searching, writing to friends, looking on web, discussing, planting, saving ,spraying or whatever. We can post what we did today here.

For example, I taked with Sunil who is a director of oldest seed company of India (est. 1890)a great friend and talked to him about little known hot peppers of Goa and Maharashtra . He informed me of a pepper extremely hot variety which I bet no one I repeat NO ONE would have heard so far.(myself included)
It is called Japani Lavingi. He also told me that there are two or three other super hots of Goa region not much known outside of Goa.

He has promised to send me seeds of the same in due course.
He has also informed me that now there are some very hot cross breeds developed and he sells the seeds.
I am really very excited.
I will keep you guys informed.


Similarly, you all can tell what you did today for hot pepper quest.
So did your friend tell you anything about the size, shape, taste or similarities to any other varieties, of these peppers?
India - the land of multiple "Hottest" peppers.
What did I do? I ate some chiles! watered meh plants... got some seeds... sent some seeds I should have send weeks ago... talked about them chiles with some people and that's about it.
Not really. growing some wilds and meh favorite plants from past years.
Growing some tomatoes and other plants as well.

How 'bout you?
JayT said:
So did your friend tell you anything about the size, shape, taste or similarities to any other varieties, of these peppers?


he said that those JAPANI thingy were small chilli peppers extremely hot. I suspect they might be Birds'Eye/Dhani type or Thai type ones.
Let me see what he has with him.

I checked all my pepper and growing forums/sites and responded appropriately to threads and will probably do so several more time
I'll probably start some more pepper seeds tonight and water all my plants and check the mailbox for new seeds. I too have some seeds to send out that should have been sent out weeks ago:(
I've also got some pork thawing out to make some sweet and spicy ham sausages but that will probably happen tomorrow
For lunch its spicy pulled pork tacos
Omri said:
Not really. growing some wilds and meh favorite plants from past years.
Growing some tomatoes and other plants as well.

How 'bout you?

I'm going to try a few new ones for me like Yellow 7-Pot and Scorpion, some chocolates, but mainly going to try new heirloom tomatoes.
For the first time,Today, I am planning to form a recipe for HOT SAUCE using only dry pepper powders.
I plan to use about three differnet varieties. One of them is sure to be Bhut.
Other two I am undecided .It can be Kashmiri or Bydgi and Sannam or Dundicut.(i am removing the seeds of Dundicut...How clever of me?"

I'm fixin' to go eat crawfish...(well...they ARE seasoned with cayenne pepper)
I just packaged up some seed and rubbed my face and now have burning eye lids. I get burnt with dried seeds almost as much as deseeding fresh pods. I am going outside today and starting a fire in the chimenea and burn last years plants that all need to be chopped after this deep freeze finally put an end to them, had fresh peppers all the way up until the New Year. It is really my downtime now as it will be another few weeks before I start any new pepper seed, dreaming of next years crop and what I'll grow.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
, dreaming of next years crop and what I'll grow.

Who doesn't here?
If one is not then he doesn't belong here.
Well said buddy. I will have to plant some.
India tour or no tour. I will plant Feb 1st week and ask my son's inlaws to take care till I return.

Kanthari and Madagascar Peri Peri are two that I have decided to plant.

I have been grinding some more pods into powder today. :onfire:

Here is a quick picture, my wife thought it was hilarious and had to torture me with the camera :lol: I know, I know...I should have eye protection on, but I find as long as I don't get in a hurry, everything is fine and good.

I made my first post in this thread today after lurking for about a week!

Attempting to narrow down a list of peppers to grow, since I plan to give a first attempt at growing this season. Went to walmart last night to look at containers, but they don't have their spring garden stuff out yet! Still have xmas clearance stuff out!

Don't want to overdue it my first attempt and try too many, so I will limit it to five varieties max, and strictly container garden. I think narrowing the list down will be harder than growing.
Today - got up at 4:50am to get ready for work (blah) - shaved, and noticed that my face tingled - must have been the Hot pretzels I made with the last of my dried Bhuts I ground up Friday night. Brought in a few samples for a couple of friends at work, checked the 'new posts' on the forum, and finally decided to get some 'work' done. Over lunch I looked atr a few online seed companies, read a few messages here, and at a few of my hot pretzels, and thouroughly enjoyed the 'after burn' of the Bhuts.
Discussed some silly business opportunities with a friend (silly, but I'm sure there are plenty of crazy people like us out there who would buy): Lip Balm with embedded pepper powder; Toothpaste with pepper powder; Shaving Cream with Pepper powder ... you get the idea :) basically, pepper powder in everything (well, maybe not some of those personal lubricants :) You guys/gals are a bad influence - sure glad I joined!