What Did I do Today? Only about chilli peppers

Unpacked about 12 different Rocoto varieties received tonight. Packed some Morado and Arabian Scorpion seeds for a fellow member as well... Some comes in, others go out.

It was a sort of winfall today afternoon,.

I received long awaited seeds parcels from India,California and a big gift from Canada with almost ten varieties of Superhot peppers.


Thank you God. I know you will never let me go to my sleep without my daily fix of chilli peppers.:lol:

Looking at seedling pot inventory, like AJ. Definitely need more as well. (Got any good sources online anyone?)

Also pulled out all my seed stock. Three rather large boxes stuffed full of all kinds of veggies from the last few years.:shocked: Looks like clean-out time. Maybe do a give away? Dunno. Maybe.
Pepperfreak said:

My Magic Bullet bit the dust the very first time I really tried to use it......

....making hot sauce!!!

So Retta bought me this:

Today I am waiting for Yellow bhut seeds to arrive in the mail, As well as Pro-mix by UPS. I am trying to assemble a small build-it-yourself hydroponic setup before the end of the month. This year I will grow Fatalii, yellow Bhut, red 7 pod, Trinidad scorpion, red habanero, lemon drop ,Peruvian white hab, cumari, Birgit's locoto, Burkina scotch bonnet.

Welcome phatlad from OK.
PF that pic had me chuckling as soon as I saw it. Reminds me of me grinding away while closing my eyes and holding my breath a couple of years ago. I haven't had any problems since I started using my magic bullet and grinding outside.
I wish I could go outside :lol:

Have you ever been on crutches in the snow and ice? Eeekk!!! I think I would be heading back to the hospital.
Good point, but if you would've been a good squirrel and ground your peppers when they were first dried...
Hmmm- let's see--- all pepper related----

-added ghost fire hot sauce to the kid's breakfast fried egg sandwich
-made the kid a sandwich with leftover hamburgers that had 2 different pepper spice mixes in them
-paid the credit card bill that included purchase of peppers
-called about a quote for shrink bands from CompanyA
-checked pepper forums
-checked on my jalapeno pepper mash that I just started (with napa cabbage to kick start it)
-worked on hot sauce website
-added chipotle southwest spice to my pea soup lunch
-worked some more on the hot sauce website
-emailed CompanyB about shrink bands
-checked the blogs and forums.......went to town
-checked on my salsa at the local store and rearranged all my hot sauces from where they had put stuff, found where they had moved the dry spice to, never did find the chipotle dip mix~~~
-received an email that both bottles of hot sauce in a single shipment got broken
-added ghost pepper hot sauce to dinner that already had pepper jack cheese on it
-back on the pepper forums and emails

How'd I do?

Now this is what I call "Detailed" report of what one is doing.
Salsalady, you are one helluva focussed lady.
Thumbs up to that.

Last evening, I bought 1.5 Lbs of Thai Hots for my lifeline pickle.
Today, I will be preparing Thai Hot pickle in Mustard oil and spices.

What did I do today that was pepper related?
Let's see.
I bought a pH/moisture tester thing finally.
Bought some more starting soil and arranged all my nutrients.
Gave my overwintering bhut and trinidad scorp plant some water.
Bought some sheets of styrofoam to build my germination station enclosure. Also picked up two full spectrum flouro light bulbs.
Filled the aerogarden. Not going to use it for a ton of seeds like last year, but I do want to use it for a few, just to note different results. Also going to start some stevia in it.
Drew up a tenative diagram of my yard and what I'm going to put where. Gotta find a place to rent a tiller for a day or two, though. Need more room.

The weather stinks, but it feels good to be getting some prep work done earlier this year, hopefully I'll be able to get my plants into the ground or a container faster and have a much better haul.
I am keeping an eye on my plants because little bastage ants are around and we all know what that means- APHIDS! Haven't spotted any yet but where there is smoke, well where there is smoke there is usually a dirty hippy smoking a splif but anyway...
Today I picked up 30 3" pots and another tray and a small electric space heater with thermostat. The plan for the heater is to put it on my germination shelf to keep it nice and warm (it's in the basement).

I also watered my seedlings and seeds / starting mix. So far I have 4 bhuts and 1 fatalii up.

I also gave my jalapeno mash a shake and swirl to let the bubbles up.
Today, I went to Home Depot and looked through starter trays and other starter kits for seeds.

Will go to Lowe's tomorrow and see what they have to offer.

Wanted to fill up kanthari, chot and mundu seeds in plastic bags but my Grand daughter would not leave me alone.
So tomorrow.

Tested the pH of all my soil today. Now I need to figure out how to correct that one patch that is measuring 5.5 for some reason (tested it 3 different times).
Yesterday I made a little fresh salsa, only 8 gallons this time. Swirled the 2 gallons of mash, and didn't see as many bubbles as I was looking for so I decided to refresh the mash, which I did today!

Today, I put the mash in a clean pan and picked out the old napa cabbage leaves. I hadn't been able to get a good sniff of the mash until I dumped it out of the crock. It has a really good clean almost pickle smell. Didn't smell musty at all. I decided to put fresh cabbage in to keep the fermentation going strong. I'm still reading tons of info everywhere about making mash and can't come up with anything conclusive, so I'm winging it. Originally, I was planning on re-layering every week with fresh cabbage, but after smelling it today, I decided it would be fine to let it go for the rest of the month.

I re-layered the peppers with the fresh napa cabbage, wrapped it back up with the bowl holding everything down, and back under the bucket.