making-powder What do you do with your pepper powder?

I usually use mine to put in my morning soup. I have used it to include in sauce recipes before as well.

Apart from that, yeah put it on anything that needs kickin up a notch!
On my sandwiches every day and to spice up all sorts of meals. Almost out of my hab powder though and a long wait until I can make some more.
I use mine to make home made chili powder out of and use them in different recipes as spice to heat things up a bit like Nova said...
In cooking, and to add heat and taste to a meal just as I do with salt, black pepper and various other spices and spice blends.

Was this a trick question? ;)
I use it for cooking and as a regular thing to season foods with. I had several shakers of different peppers but am currently down to congo trinidad and orange hab powder. They sit right next to my salt and pepper shakers.
a nice easy way to just add the heat without the whole process. anything i'd put black pepper on (which is almost everything) I'll put chili pepper on.
I agree with all of the above and then some. I sort of do what Patrick does. I have them easily accessible and continue to find new things to add heat to.
Use it as often as a salt shaker and it's far better than using black pepper, which is indigestible BTW, unless you're a termite.

I use quite a bit to add kick to my jerky.
I sprinkle some in the water I use to make my morning oatmeal, a little goes a long way if it's anything habanero or hotter.
I used to get some powder from my friends that his dad grew and made that had habaneros, jalapenos, cayennes, and I think something else that was perfect on pizza.