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seeds What Do You Need for Planting/Transplanting Seeds/Seedlings?


I thought this would be a good thread so we could share some of our methods with others on the forum....

I use some very simple tools when I plant or transplant...

here is a pic of my planting/transplanting "utensils"


lower left is measuring spoons...the round one is one tablespoon and I don't like it, I have lost my tablespoon that goes with the set. The reason I like this set is the shape of the spoon itself...long and narrow...this will let you get into most any container containing whatever you use when mixing your water for transplant....

right above the spoons is a mechanical pencil...two uses...writin' of course but if you notice the cap on the end that covers the eraser, it is 3/8" (almost 1 cm) long. I plant my seeds at least as deep as the shiny thingy is....then there are a couple more writing tools for marking the pots/seed starting trays...Note: Always mark your seeds in a manner that a cat/dog/wife/child can not move or switch on you...I hate to grow a white bullet habanero and it turn out to be a standar hab....

Above that is a spray nozzle...invest in a good spray nozzle and bottle...it will cost you every bit of a dollar and will pay for itself over and over...I use it for foliar feeding my seedlings or just simply giving them a little moisture...

Above that is a can of Beer...no gardener worth his salt would attempt to plant seeds or transplant seedlings without some good cold beer to accompany the effort...

Bottom right is a pair of shears...should be self explanatory and is used for opening bags/envelopes or just plain poking somebody with them....

above the shears is a butter knife...IMO a kitchen butter knife has so many uses from counting and separating seeds to loosening soil in the seed starting trays to whatever you need a good flat blade for...

above the butter knife is a heavy duty knife....and above the heavy duty knife is a pocket knife...I don't think I have ever NOT used these during planting/transplanting...

Above the knives on the right is a standard whiskey pourer...whatever you call them...fits in most coke bottles and I use them for watering once the soil in the germination trays "hardens" a little...

Above the Pocket Knife is a pair of tweezers...great for handling seeds...just don't squeeze the sh** out the seeds or you will bust them...

Above the whiskey pourer is a funnel....self explanatory or if you are really talented, you can play it like a bugle....

And last...IMO the most important thing you can have is a pair of NITRILE exam gloves....I always wear these when handling seeds or transplanting...used for vector control when touching seeds or transplanting AND the best part is the nitrile gloves won't allow the capsaicin to penetrate them like Latex does...

What do you use?
I just use my hands(and a plastic marker+sharpie for labelling). I wait until there are enough roots that I can just gently pull the plant(roots and all) out in one solid piece and then place in a bigger pot with new "soil". Sometimes I have to turn the pot unside down for the plant to slide out easy. Very simple and effective
OK...that's cool...I was just thinking about all the stuff I have needed at one time or another...and most of these I use all the time...

+100 on the roots coming out of the bottom of the starter tray before transplanting and handling gently
I'm getting ready to plant some maters and here's some of my tools.

5 gallon bucket used to mix the starting medium.

Pocket knife used for everything from cleaning my nails to opening bags and pruning plants.

Fuzzle used to return unused seeds to those little seed zips as well as for liquids.

Sissors are used to cut up what ever's handy for plant labels.

Sharpie fine point permanent marker.

Recycled glass cleaner bottle with some weak poo tea.

Small glass with about 1/8" of water in the bottom used to moisten the tip of the wooden chopstick which is used to pick, place and bury seed.

Measuring spoons and cut blank labels.

When it's time to transfer from the seed flat to larger containers I fork em.
now thats waht I am talkin' about SS...

never thought about 'forkin' em...
Umhuh....Patrick read my mind

:that's why I started this thread:
Skydiver said:
I must respectfully disagree about the beer can, though. Bottles ftw. :lol:

I love bottles too. But when doing work, I prefer the cans. Less chance of having an accident and getting broken glass in the yard.

Ah, who the hell am I kidding....I drink out of the cans cause I'm a cheap-ass. :lol:
I use just two butter knives one stuck down on either side of the seedling you want to remove from the cell tray and gentle lift both knives at the same time with the plug between them and place in a 16 oz solo cup and held with the knives straight up and down until I fill dirt around the plug and then pull the knives. Easiest way I have found to remove the seedling unharmed and fast.
Hey man...where ya been?

I used to use that method but round starting holes are a little different...
I've been around not posting much with just seedlings in cell trays to talk about. Got a great mix of peppers on the way, just keeping to myself after the ambush last year. My goal this year is to stabilize a Brown 7 Pod "Douglah" from Trinidad as I have a 72 cell tray full of seedlings. I am going to number and take notes about each specific plant and find out just how uniform my seed stock really is. Got several Chocolate Scorpions up and going along with all the usual super hots in a myriad of colors. Going to be a good year, still haven't transplanted anything from the cell trays yet.
cool man...post some pics of your seedlings if you get a chance...I got a few over 1K started right now...next planting is within a week...
I mostly have the same stuff - with one minor addition:

i have some liquid fert that dilutes 20ml : 10 litres of water
The fert bottle has a massive opening, the 1 litre spray bottle has a tiny opening.
How to get 2ml of fert across ???

solution: Use a straw
pop the straw into the fert bottle. finger over the open end of the straw - wallah !
that's great....if'n it was me, I would just make up 10 liters of it and dole it out 1 liter at the time using a funnel from the larger container....
to keep from spilling stuff when you transfer it from one container to another...is that what you meant?
Thats what I thought, but wasnt completely sure. Images of AJ with tweezers in hand dropping one seed at a time into the funnel and into the hole made from the pencil tip did come to mind though.