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Growing Sequence: All good for me

...seeds planted in a safe, warm bed of moist medium

...first hooks!

...first leaves and solid stem forming

...first successful pot up

...plant sees real sunshine for the first time, and a new gear of growth

...transplant time, plant chokes a bit

...plant digs in roots and moves into the bigger world

...then pods...

... then they move away and get married-- or become tasty powder.... :cool:
I love watching the fruiting stages. Seeing all the different sizes, shapes, and colors as they grow on all my plants. It's also a great reminder that all my hard work has paid off.
I love watching the fruiting stages. Seeing all the different sizes, shapes, and colors as they grow on all my plants. It's also a great reminder that all my hard work has paid off.

Hell yeah! Sometimes I even feel like I'm growing them purely for the whole visual aesthetics factor. Then I remember I can eat 'em and they're burny good... :D
hell, I just like getting up in the morning....

I suppose the time from hooks to first transplant is my favorite...watching those little suckers grow so fast is simply amazing....
That magical moment you discover the first ripening pod of the season.
Yeh mate , i like the first breaking of soil when they show there little heads but i must say i was so excited today when i went out to do my daily water and saw the first bright yellow 7 pot pod through the leaves , it was like yes all the work is paying off.
Siliman you stole my answer lol. kidding.

I agree 100% though. I enjoy the full start to finish process and even the OW process (knowing they'll be twice the size the following year) all the same. There's not one time during my plants lives that I spend less time staring at em checking them out for new sprouts, growth, buds, flowers, pods, etc lol. Hell, even though I'd like to do without any insect problems or bact problems.. I enjoy finding the problem and nuking it, and watching the plant push through and grow like crazy once again, nice to know you saved em kinda thing.

Alright, I'm off to go stare at my seedlings n see how much my first leaves have grown since last night :lol:
