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What does your screen name mean?

Just curious as some are evident and others are not.
I have a Carvin electric guitar and that is the reason for my screen name.
So what's the story behind yours?
Well i was trying to come up with a youtube gardening channel. and i have a green house and i grow plants in it that are green so
I was born "Neil" and my mum shortened it to "Nee" occasionally!
Whilst in secondary school (high school) i was part of a rap group called Party People In The House where i gained the name "Chilly Nee"

And in later life i adopted the name DJ Nee or just Nee for my music releases! http://www.discogs.com/artist/Neil+Spicer
THere'a another thread already on here with screen names, I'll see if I can find it and link it-
Mine's pretty apparent. I am a goat herder by trade and one day my beloved dog "Ralph" fell down an old well. Panicked, I enlisted the help of the rest of my village, who lowered me down to rescue him. At the bottom of the well, old Ralph was miraculously unharmed - and I found an old horseshoe. when I picked it up, I realized that it was resting on top of a case of hot sauce.

Anyway, long story short, Lucky Dog Hot Sauce. Sure glad I didn't find a box of old dildos - my user name coulda been far more embarrassing.
Beelzeboss is a demon on a song from the band Tenacious D lol think they got it from on of the devils many names which is beelzebub, i use beelzeboss on psn and other stuff too. My original name in here was green_thumb but being is how im such a noob i just changed it to my usual online nickname.
Aji is the Spanish term for pepper

my screen name just means "PEPPERJOE"


Mine is actually three words using the old hebraic way to spell which omited vowels. Thus Jsschrstrcks becomes Jss Chrst Rcks, becomes Jesus Christ Rocks :). Its pretty much always available, and I own the domain as well: Jsschrstrcks.com
mine is a nick name ive had for 20 plus years... i skated and was sponsered by independant, friends just started calling me sicman cause all my tricks were so dope! the name stuck and its on all of my music gear,it was my tag back in the day when i was a punk kid,and everything ive ever done it just has been apart of.it also fits as ive allaways been a little morbid and twisted.
I’m a 4[sup]th[/sup] generation descendant of the Irish disposia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_diaspora
The history of Irish and European refugees in the Mexican American War, made me an admirer of the San Patricios.
As a US Marine, “The Halls of Montezuma” has always had special meaning, but as Paul Harvey said; “here is the rest of the story”…
My avatar is a chilli placed over a modified shield from artwork on The Chieftains 2010 album; San Patricio http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Patricio_(album)

Nuff Said?

Damm, you're good! Caddy is a '67. Most people guess either 65 or 69.
'88 Subaru is now a greenhouse. Keepin it green, ya'know...