hybrid What extreme or weird crosses have you fantasized about?

Hey guys. Welp I'm bored today and peppers are my go-to boredom cure. But alas, it's dark outside so you'll have to cope with my topics for tonight.
I was thinking about some unusual crosses people could try to make. I think I saw a bonnet/bell cross somewhere here (can't remember who it was right now, sorry), which made me start to think about this topic. Pretty sure not a lot of crosses with hots and bells have been done.
A Pequin or Tepin x Bell pepper cross would be funny, for example. Small and hot crossed with big and sweet. 
Or maybe a Reaper x Bell pepper. A big, smooth skinned pepper with medium heat and a Reaper tail. Or maybe a wriggly skin bell pepper?
And what would happen if you would cross a Thunder Mountain Longhorrn with a Scotch Bonnet?
Wondering what cool stuff you've been thinking about!
I'm going to have some fun crossing varieties this year.
I'm growing :
Red, Chocolate and Orange Habaneros
Peach, Yellow and Red Ghosts
Brazilian Ghost
Chocolate, Red and Yellow Morugas
Carolina Reapers
Brazilian Biquinho
Yellow Jamaicans (those UFO shaped)
7-Pot Barrackpore
7-Pod Douglah
Jalapeños (Not sure if I will cross it)
Hot Banana
Brazilian Arriba Saia
and a cross called Capiroto Scorpion (The seller said to me it has Butch T, Moruga and Pimenta de Neyde 'genes')
I think I forgot some varieties...
Well, I'm gonna have some fun.
hogleg said:
 I still wanna see the "Toats Magoats" cross come to fruition.  :metal:
Goatsweed crossed with Bahamian Goat pepper, in case any of ya were wondering.
Not growing Bahamian goat this year but I do still have pollen in the freezer.
hogleg said:
 I still wanna see the "Toats Magoats" cross come to fruition.  :metal:
Goatsweed crossed with Bahamian Goat pepper, in case any of ya were wondering.
I was hoping to do that cross this year but until now the plants decided otherwise. Couldn't collect any pollen from the Bahamian Goat yet, and I've just seen one flower on a Goats Weed. Maybe it's the hot weather, hoping the after-summer cooling is going to bring success.

Strange thing is, the B Goat is producing fruit, but I've tried to collect some pollen on several different times during the day with no succes. Early morning, early afternoon, night time, didn't seem to matter.

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I'd like to see a tiny chocolate pod. In 2015, I had a few OW plants. Flowering at the same time were Black Naga (Chinense) and Peri-Peri (Frutescens). I took a bunch of pollen from the Peri and put it directly on the stigma of the Naga. Problem was the Naga flower wasn't emasculated. So I don't know if the cross took or if the Naga set. But the pod set and I saved the seeds. I decided to try the seeds this season and now have 2 small plants. Anxious to see if I get 2 Black Naga plants or a cross.

Going to cross a 7 pot mustard with a chocolate bbg7 to try and get a bleeding mustard stem. Not sure which way to cross it though...it's so hard to get the petals out of a bbg7 bud before it opens. I tried a few times to cross a bubblegum last year and found that if I damaged the calyx, it didn't take. Does the mother plant in the cross tend to keep most of its characteristics or is it really a big toss up?
This is a jalapeño gigante (mother) crossed with a JPGS. Here's hoping!!

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Damn I can't wait to start crossing. I still have seedlings as it is winter in the south hemisphere... This week I'm adding to the list:
-Thunder Mountain Longhorn
-TS Butch T Yellow variety
-Bhut Orange Copenhagen
I'll try to cross as many as I can
spicefreak said:
Gigante Peach Ghost Scorpion or Jay's Peach 'Peño? Just wondering what the desired outcome is?
I am not really aiming for anything in particular but if I had to choose a pheno, I'd like a gnarly peach, medium heat pod with some of the jalapeño flavor.  I thought it might be an interesting mix as I love both peppers.  So I guess more of a Jay's Peach Peño lol.  Maybe that's what I'll call it! :dance:
There are a couple crosses that I was thinking about, but I think I'll have to wait until next season to start my attempts. My ideas will probably completely change by then...
Right now, I'm mostly curious in the results of breeds involving the Aji Pineapple and mild sweet peppers (probably annuums). I really want my sister to be able to taste some sweet fruity variants of peppers (which most baccatums would provide), but she can barely handle small slices of Jalapeño...    :tear:
Of course I'll be trying for something much hotter for myself  :party:
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