What hot peppers are easy to grow [home, growbox, air]

Major Pain said:
I stand corrected about the toxicity.
 Sorry about the inaccuracies.. New medication, and haven't been thinking / feeling the same quite yet.   I knew something was off when I was typing it all up.. but couldn't quite put my finger on it.  Thanks for clarifying it.  At the time, I asked about the npk because in my mind, I thought it could of been out of balance.  Just going down the list of what could be ailing the plants.
No need to apologize.  No sins committed.  The NPK thing is actually a pretty widespread misconception, even amongst long time growers.  And while sulfur isn't toxic on its own, it can be pretty devastating when it's applied before or after anything oil based.  So it's good to at least throw a spotlight on careful use.
Major Pain said:
Every pepper I try grows well.. there are times I get one that acts up but grows out of it.  So far I've grown:  Indian Carbon Ghost, Chocolate Ghost, Red Hab, Chocolate Primo, Black Pearl, Lava Scorpion, Chocolate Bhutlah, and Naglah.  Sometimes, I get bad seeds and they wont start at all.

Plants uptake Sulphur.. so you might be putting the plants into a state of toxicity.. once that happens.. it's hard to get them to bounce back.

Refreshing the soil depends on what style your growing with .. I.E. organic with guanos, worm castings, other forms of scat, and animal / plant parts... Chemical ferts like Miracle gro.. or hydroponic water soluble ferts.  Every style requires a different approach.

When a plant drops it's leaves, it means something. What do the leaves look like when they drop?  Are they still very full, and green? Or are they shriveled, and dry?  Details matter when it comes to what the plant is trying to tell you.  How much N-P-K are you giving it?  Because, that matter as well.

 If you're seeing a 1.5 cm growth in 1 week.. that's not bad... it means it's trying.  I wouldn't do anything different just yet.  Remember, at this point.. not only is it trying to grow leaves, but also roots at the same time.  It has to ration out the energy it accumulated during the day for both.
Now about plant state, new leaf grow and growth cone is a little higher; old, smallest leafs tends to be a little less green, but still stable. Strangely the same plant in another house actually grows better while in my house it grows weirdly.  :think: 
Actually I'm not really a beginner I succesfully grew some plants over years. I am a little intermediate laik. Have no professional knowledge but try my best.
Now please tell me which ones of these was quite thick. Of which ones have you had the highest amount. As I said earlier in next year im gonna try wild brasil cuz these has relatively small fruits and have simpler blooming. Maybe there is alternative to pepper at all which has SCU scale or some kind of herb, you can suggest me sth easier to grow.
P.S. (offtop - opinion)
I prefer extremely hot peppers and sth other than any meds. I have terrible headache usually after da pillz. Don't recommend..
So you're looking at peppers for a medicinal reason?
 I'm not that well versed in which works best-- mostly boils down to what helps you personally.  I have heard of Cayenne as a topical for joint pain / arthritis.
 After eating any super hot.. Ghost or above... I'm lucky if I can even feel my face for 30 mins.
 There are other people in the forums that know more about this than I do.  You could try making a thread in the Hot Pepper Talk section specifically asking what varieties help the most with **insert pain type here**.   
Don't take headaches lightly, those should be taken VERY seriously.  Please find out the source of what's causing 'em.
The plant recently has developed 8 spreading leafs but one has droped out. It was in strange darkish color at corners but otherwise looked well. The plant may have too thin stalk I think... Also white Led lamp has gone off recently and I use incandescent lamp now. Will it work along with led growing lamp? The temp is 25 celcius degrees...