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What is the best C.Pubescens variety to grow?

I haveRocoto Canario,Manzano or Rocoto orange,Rocoto Amarillo,Rocoto San Isidro,Rocoto de Seda,Rocoto red,Cap 487,Yellow Rocoto,Manzano Rojo red Rocoto,PI593 Small ovate Rocoto,Cap363 Huge yellow Rocoto,Aji Mongol,Rocoto red(Peru),Ecuador red from hell,Rocoto Longo,PI 614001,Big red Rocoto,PI585261 Ultra Pub,PI 355811,pi 355394,PI 585261,Huge Yellow Manzano Papa Joe's,Giant yellow Rocoto,PI382838,pi387390,PI585267 Turbo Pub & Donnie's golden Locato.

What kind of all those Rocoto's is the best for me to start up
this year?
Rocto canario and Orange are great tasting peppers with tons of heat..Unlike some pubes they don't disappoint in the heat and flavor department :)
I'd go with the turbo pube for flavor or for more heat the Ecuadorian red from hell

Growing that for the first time this year and looking forward to that one :)
Must add Vladan San isidro is beautiful mine only has a few leaves and there covered in hair,Not sure what the taste is like :)
I think I will start about half dozen Rocotos to have room for another variety or will be over crowded in basement.
Start them early, because they need more time to germinate than most others, but not too early, because they tend to need a lot of space.
I'm a first time pubescen grower this year, and out of the 3 I have, the Manzano Red is growing the quickest. Flowering has occurred already after planting the seeds early July, and its easily the biggest plant I have in a pot so far, so I do hope you have plenty of room.

I've been speaking to Fatalii from Fatalii.net, and he reckons the Rocoto de San Isidro is one of the best he's grown. I've ordered some, bit late into the season for me, but thankfully pubescens are frost tolerant so I might try and germinate a few anyhow.

I really do want to try the Ecuadorian Red Pepper from Hell, but can't find anywhere to purchase them
MiLK_MaN said:
I'm a first time pubescen grower this year, and out of the 3 I have, the Manzano Red is growing the quickest. Flowering has occurred already after planting the seeds early July, and its easily the biggest plant I have in a pot so far, so I do hope you have plenty of room.

I've been speaking to Fatalii from Fatalii.net, and he reckons the Rocoto de San Isidro is one of the best he's grown. I've ordered some, bit late into the season for me, but thankfully pubescens are frost tolerant so I might try and germinate a few anyhow.

I really do want to try the Ecuadorian Red Pepper from Hell, but can't find anywhere to purchase them

It is realy hard to find some seeds some people on this forum have it I wish I have more I'm on last two seeds hope one of those germinate.Post on seeds trade maybe someone will come forward to trade with you.
Good luck!!!!
lol. No one will know what Huge Yellow Manzano Papa Joe's is but me. :lol: If the pods turn out like the ones I bought at that store, GROW them. Delicious and hot. Jan's Gt Yellow is the best producer I've ever grown.

I like Ecuador Red from Hell too. I always vowed to have one season where I grow just this species. It would probably be the biggest waste of garden space ever as they never ripen fully here and get eaten by pepper maggots. They are my favorite pepper tastewise. I could grow 100+ varieties. ;)

I hope you have luck with them.

915river said:
I haveRocoto Canario,Manzano or Rocoto orange,Rocoto Amarillo,Rocoto San Isidro,Rocoto de Seda,Rocoto red,Cap 487,Yellow Rocoto,Manzano Rojo red Rocoto,PI593 Small ovate Rocoto,Cap363 Huge yellow Rocoto,Aji Mongol,Rocoto red(Peru),Ecuador red from hell,Rocoto Longo,PI 614001,Big red Rocoto,PI585261 Ultra Pub,PI 355811,pi 355394,PI 585261,Huge Yellow Manzano Papa Joe's,Giant yellow Rocoto,PI382838,pi387390,PI585267 Turbo Pub & Donnie's golden Locato.

What kind of all those Rocoto's is the best for me to start up
this year?