I haveRocoto Canario,Manzano or Rocoto orange,Rocoto Amarillo,Rocoto San Isidro,Rocoto de Seda,Rocoto red,Cap 487,Yellow Rocoto,Manzano Rojo red Rocoto,PI593 Small ovate Rocoto,Cap363 Huge yellow Rocoto,Aji Mongol,Rocoto red(Peru),Ecuador red from hell,Rocoto Longo,PI 614001,Big red Rocoto,PI585261 Ultra Pub,PI 355811,pi 355394,PI 585261,Huge Yellow Manzano Papa Joe's,Giant yellow Rocoto,PI382838,pi387390,PI585267 Turbo Pub & Donnie's golden Locato.
What kind of all those Rocoto's is the best for me to start up
this year?
What kind of all those Rocoto's is the best for me to start up
this year?