So, Juan, was someone dissing the vids saying you guys were's chileheads or something? If so, they must not of seen Jerret's Pure Evil challenge video.
Nope. They posted a comment for our Tropical Pepper Co review video (our most recent one), saying that my wife isn't a chilehead because of how she reacted to the sauce. When I told them that trying a spoonful of sauce by itself is not an accurate gauge for whether or not someone is a chilehead, they responded back that she hasn't earned the title of "chilehead", and that the only reason I consider her one is because she's a girl. When they got sexist, I told them off.
That is when they started thumbing down all of the HeatAddicts videos, as well as all the ones on my personal channel.
If you need a definition then you are not a chilihead
I already have my own definition that I meet the criteria of. I was just curious how others define the word.