heat What is the world's hottest?

JayT said:
I am not able to give it the time and attention it deserves with the hours and swing shifts I work now.  I will still do unofficial reviews from time to time for friends and thpers, or something that people are talking about (like these new reaper chips), but for now I am retired.
I'm lil' bummed to hear that :mope:.
 Well you did a great job and thank you.  :cheers: wadka?
Oh yeah, I am about to become fabulous!  Wodka and tea, and just took my flexoral.

BurnTtongue said:
Oh? Was there a fallout between THP and Ted Barrus? Didn't realize there was bad blood
There was bad blood between Ted and a bunch of us here and he got a warning, and maybe a two day ban or something and then after THP defended him and brought him back, he turned and attacked him too so he got his permanent walking papers.  I probably didn't help the matter when he started on me, and I called him a circus side show and not a real reviewer.  So yes., the short answer would be yes, there is bad blood.  I stand by everything I said then though, he is still a joke.  He is more interested in shock value and views than anything else.  I would say if you want true pod reviews, watch Neil from the Hippy Seed Company, or Nigel.  There's another good one doing it that I see on FB, but I can't remember his name now.  There's a reason why Ted is banned from all sites and groups.  
JayT said:
There was bad blood between Ted and a bunch of us here and he got a warning, and maybe a two day ban or something and then after THP defended him and brought him back, he turned and attacked him too so he got his permanent walking papers.  I probably didn't help the matter when he started on me, and I called him a circus side show and not a real reviewer.  So yes., the short answer would be yes, there is bad blood.  I stand by everything I said then though, he is still a joke.  He is more interested in shock value and views than anything else.  I would say if you want true pod reviews, watch Neil from the Hippy Seed Company, or Nigel.  There's another good one doing it that I see on FB, but I can't remember his name now.  There's a reason why Ted is banned from all sites and groups.  
I didn't know he was banned here. Ok noted
But back to the topic on hand, growing conditions affect the heat of the pepper so hard to say what exactly is the hottest
BurnTtongue said:
Personally I had a scorpion and a reaper and they both hurt so much that I couldn't tell what hurt more
Dried, the difference is pretty obvious. The Reaper is definitely the hotter of the two. Fresh they're both too overwhelming for me to tell though and in sauce the difference is too small to be meaningful. The hottest Scorpion sauces seem to be the same heat as the hottest Reaper ones but with actual flavour, not just sourness.

JayT said:
I am not able to give it the time and attention it deserves with the hours and swing shifts I work now.  I will still do unofficial reviews from time to time for friends and thpers, or something that people are talking about (like these new reaper chips), but for now I am retired.
According to THP himself, the position of official reviewer has not infact existed for around 2 years.
At some level I have to wonder why anyone cares which chile is the hottest any more. I mean, seriously, if all you're really looking for is heat, get some of Salsa Lady's Pure Evil and slug it down. Or drop some onto, oh... a jalapeño, and make it hotter than it naturally is. Basically, with no flavor of its own, Pure Evil can make any chile or other food "the hottest." Rice - no heat at all on its own, but add Pure Evil and you're burning alive. What more could one want???  :hell:
hogleg said:
Our own Peter Stanley has been kicking ass at the reviews this year, bigtime! IMO
+1.  Peter just keeps posting review after review, and his approach to it is almost clinical; the antithesis of what Ted FBI does.  I guess that might seem "boring" to casual viewers who want to see vomit and weird graphics in an extended intro, but ppl who want a thorough, well-considered review with some facts and objective opinions will definitely find Peter's reviews informative and pretty much rad as shit.
Nigel's reviews are tip-top, too.  
As for the OP's question, i believe there are too many variables, and too many limitations to the typical human palate, for it to matter much. Chiles of a given variety will vary from pod to pod, and what registers highest in cap on a test may not register as hottest to a person.... and individual ppl seem to be effected by different pods in different ways.  Personally, i'm pretty weird in that i'll eat whole habs and scotch bonnets and handle them fine,  but they do seem hot to me.  (I'm a lightweight...)  But, if I eat a whole jalapeño, it doesn't seem hot to me, but i just cannot stop hiccuping.  There's a lot of variables....
But, if i had to guess, i bet it wouldn't be a Reaper.  I'd bet on something brown and nasty, like a Chocolate Bhutlah or a Brown Moruga Scorpion.   
hogleg said:
The hottest peppers aren't the ones that scare me. Its the ones that just straight up HURT. The original red brainstrain is at my tops for shear violent tongue in vice and ice picks in the roof, that leaves you questioning WTF just happened...after you vomit.

Edited by hogleg, Today, 08:45 AM.
I believe that.

The yellow 7 is the hottest whole pod I've tried. It hurt...a lot.

The red brain strain is definitely on a different level. Never tried a whole one but I've eaten sliver after sliver. The flavor is wondrful but the pain is intense.
t0mato said:
I believe that.

The yellow 7 is the hottest whole pod I've tried. It hurt...a lot.

The red brain strain is definitely on a different level. Never tried a whole one but I've eaten sliver after sliver. The flavor is wondrful but the pain is intense.
Hey Mr. Mato? can you do me a big favor and fix my edit in the quote. Its been brought to my attention and I reconsidered the use of my description and feel it's a lil' inappropriate and offensive. I've edited the post to say something else, if you could just copy that?
Please and thank you  :P
Reds including the reaper don't give me a satisfying mouth burn but the stomach burn can get rediculous. Ordered some reapers online which were unreal looking with bumps and thin tails but ended up disapointing. Not enough heat. Had three of my best wrinkly unnamed reds (thicker tails if any at all..more blocky bottoms which I prefer) in one day this year and not only got the shakes but almost felt like I was seeing colors at one point when I jumped in the shower. First time I've ever puked from superhots and that was after the burn already went away and I layed down. Major endorphin rush. Very memorable and enjoyable experience overall..No regrets and felt the purge helped cleanse my system.
For heat the shear weight and impact of the Browns are where it's at. Reds become more novelty when browns are available. Given a choice I usually reach for the Browns due to the quality of the burn.
If you grow peppers, you know results change with soil, season, water, nutrients, and other factors.  Also, i suspect taste changes from person to person.  So am curious.  Setting lab tests aside and just going by your melting face, what variety do you personally think has been the hottest for you.  How bout what is the hottest established strain and what new peppers do you find the hottest.

I think the hottest established pepper I have grown is a 7 Pot Douglah.
I think the hottest new pepper is the BTR.

Thing is, at some point above ghost I am not sure I can taste / feel the difference in heat level.  I can tell if it is a creeper, a sudden, a lasting heat, but for the top level I think my tongue breaks first.
Not to pile on a guy who's not here to defend himself but I will anyway ;) FBI is the FM radio DJ of pod reviewers...total nonsense and noise with practically no content. 