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what is this from?

I kinda think that the frost we had mothers day may have caused this but I'm not sure. We've had a lot of rain and they were also potted in different soil. Idk what do you guys think?



Things look a little better on this one.


this is some of lower growth

to me it looks to me like a calcium deficiency possibly. you need a good fertilizer with micronutrients. you need to take into account the medium you are growing in, and the fertilizer you have used, when you last used it, etc. 
I have some that have never been exposed to frost that look like that too. Long, pointy, curling leaves..... let me know what it is when you figure it out, please!
Good chance it's mites. You'll need at least a 30x jeweler's loupe to see them. I'd suggest starting with a miticide right away. 
Its only on the fatalli tho. All the other plants in the same area seem to be doing just fine. I'll grab some calmag this weekend unless there's something else i can use for calcium in soil?
I'm really leaning twards the frost still. I was looking just a minute ago and it is on some of the others. Its mainly on the top of the pant on the tender young growth. It wasn't a hard frost just a light one and the new growth that was hidden and just coming out of the nodes is fine. I'm going to keep close watch and if i notice new growth getting it I'm all over it.
I've had herbicide drift make my plants look like that in the past. I'm told it can drift up to 1/2 mile, and it only takes miniscule amounts to curl the leaves up. The plants grow out of it eventually.
If you had frost on Mother's day, then your plants would have been damaged right away, not a week later.
How long have your plants been like that?
Ever since that frost. Those grew like that. I was thinking when they were super tiny they were damaged and maybe didn't grow right. Like i Said there's new growth starting that looks fine so I'm confused. Maybe it could be pesticides tho because the plants are in the county and there's lots of fields around. I just hope they outgrow it.