favorite What is ur favorite pepper?

I have a few... there's too many that I haven't tasted.

1.Fatalii (Heat/flavor)
2.Tepin (snacker :D )
3.Choco hab (heat/flavor)
4.Any stuffable pepper. (Can't go wrong with any)
5.Bubblegum 7 pot (HEAT/FLAVOR)

, Walter
I think PexPeppers has a sfrb for sale that has some Bubblegums in it. My plant is flowering, but nothing set yet, so it will be a while before I have any. They may not even be the right phenotype, either. 
And I have 3 bubblegum seedlings in the aerogarden :D. If you want to try and grow it I can send you a few seeds. Be aware tho, these aren't stable.

, Walter
the only bad thing about the sfrb is i like anything with a butch t flavor i dont like eating perfume lol chocolate scorpions still taste like butch t's........sure i wouldnt mind trying to grow them gonna be starting a greenhouse soon as i move 