health What is wrong with my peppers?!?!?


Just trying to figure out what's wrong with my pepper seedlings?? They are 5-6 weeks maybe and about 5"-6" tall. They are inside, under florescent lights and no heat mats under them anymore. Can they be saved? What will I need to do? Thanks for your input! :)
Is the soil moist? If so, it could be overwatering. Usually, when leaves droop, and curl under like that is when there is too much moisture. If the soil is always as damp as it appears in that picture, I would hold off on watering. It could turn into a much more serious problem with edema if you don't catch it early.

Also, your seedlings appear to be quite leggy. What kind of bulbs do you use, and how far above the plants are they? That could become a problem, as well, if you don't lower the lights or use a more pepper-friendly bulb, whatever the case may be.

Hope your plants turn around!
Hendrix1326 - I had just watered them a couple hours prior. I have 'cool' florescent bulbs over them and there were within 2-3" and I just moved them up (5-6") thinking that maybe I had them too close. Should I move it back down.

Also when you repot them, do you plant them deeper like you do tomatoes??
I agree with the other posts and it looks like you're loving them to death.

I see that not all are succumbing to this fate. Are you using a fan? A fan would help the plants become sturdier and deal with the interior moisture associated with crowding.
I would try to pot them up and add a fan to sturdy those stems up.
Also try to get those dead leaves outta there they bring in pest, diseases, and fungi.
5-6 inches should be fine on your light.
keep us updated
Cool white is not good – 6.5k (blue) spectrum works much better and a mixture of (red and blue) works even better. AJ has posted a lot of good information on this topic!!