food What Is Your Signature Dish!?

I felt like having a little fun, and wanted to ask everyone to post a picture of ur signature dish that everyone knows u by or that u think is the best thing u can cook. Also if u're not one of those secret cooks that like to keep everything to themselves post the recipe u go by to achieve ur greatness! Aaaaaaaaaand GO!!
I have to cook it 1st lol.....i havent taken pictures in a while so i'll post something tomorrow or atleast try I always have problems posting pics!
I have a few, smoked cochinita pibil probably being one the most prevalent. Haven't made it since my allergy issues started up again though
Another highly praised concoction was carnitas sushi rolls with cilantro lime rice outside, carnitas meat, pickled onion, avocado and don't remember what else inside. People at my wifes work went nuts for it and was offering $$ for me to make it for them
D3monic said:
I have a few, smoked cochinita pibil probably being one the most prevalent. Haven't made it since my allergy issues started up again though
Another highly praised concoction was carnitas sushi rolls with cilantro lime rice outside, carnitas meat, pickled onion, avocado and don't remember what else inside. People at my wifes work went nuts for it and was offering $$ for me to make it for them
oh wow those sound very good!
Among our family I'm known for mexican/tacos, soups, bbq, indian and seafood dishes.  If it's a summer family gathering they demand I smoke meat.  Rest of the year it depends on what everyone else is bringing.  Personally I think I make one helluva steak/pork chop/burger/bowl of chili too. :D
Skirt steak tacos

taco enchilada combo plate


Caldo de Res

BBQ Combo plate

Palak Gosht (Indian beef curry w spinach)

Chicken curry w homemade naan

Shrimp pesto

Seared tuna salad
My favorite dish to make is some form of pasta.  Whole wheat spaghetti with parmesan cheese and tomato sauce loaded with fresh onions, mushrooms, sweet peppers, and hearty chunks of oven baked, browned ground turkey sausage infused with powdered super-hot peppers, Kirkland organic spice blend, and fresh cracked black pepper.    It is so simple to make, and its too good.  The most tedious part is waiting for the meat to thaw...
Aight!  That's IT!  I'm NOT posting Potato Salad after SnF's portfolio!!!!
But if SnF wants to ask us over for a BBQ/Picnic/19 course dinner....we'd be happy to attend!!!!
I'll bring the salsa~~~~

PS-  Scovie's the Mole' King!
I'll take that one-


Bloody Mary's courtesy of PaulG~
Does a Bloody Mary count as a dish?  If It does, I'm nominating PaulG for that one.
SalsaLady makes 'Hammered Steaks' like nobody's bidness. Doh!


naw... her B&G has the power to bring nations together, solve world peace, take humans to Mars and help a hangover (most importantly).
Boom. True Story.

She also makes a mean Screwdriver. lololol
I'm not a fancy cook but I do know my way around a BBQ/Smoker ....whenever I fire up my Stick burner everyone wants my brisket sammich with homemade slaw.


And if I don't have the time to do a brisket I get requests for my Smoked Meatloaf.

HEY, that hammer's been missing for a while...did I leave it over there?  Maybe it got buried under the hops or thrown at a bovine? 
Those were some dad-gum good steaks! 
Straight slot Klein screwdriver...what the heck was I using that for???
sheesh, a work t-shirt, looking horrible, cooking with the Ewing hammer and Klein screwdriver.......Does that seem a little redneck?///
Holy Crap, Scovie!  Man!  I can only imagine the 'dirt' you have on non-thp members if you are pulling up photos of hammered steaks!  But that was a One-Time occurance.  I can't claim that as a "signature" dish.
BUT!!!!  You, Me and most everybody esle could claim any dish that got posted in DC as a signature dish!  :rofl:
Nice MEAT, Sizzle!!! 
Definitely mine would be Mole (Molé).
It's my favorite dish to make. It's always a special occasion when I make it. And it's always delicious. I started making it 20-some-odd-years-ago, and haven't changed it much in the last 15 years. I finally wrote it down in a PDF format that I will share here for the first time, about 5 years ago. Although Mole would be my signature dish, my friends and family often request Ribs, Grilled Salmon, Smoked Pork Butt, Wings and Burgers, As well as Breakfast. I make 'Chorizo con Huevos' almost every weekend, it's on deck for tomorrow morning, in fact.
There may or may not be a clock on this Mole recipe being posted. "Thee Mole Recipe®"




Scoville DeVille said:
Definitely mine would be Mole (Molé).
It's my favorite dish to make. It's always a special occasion when I make it. And it's always delicious. I started making it 20-some-odd-years-ago, and haven't changed it much in the last 15 years. I finally wrote it down in a PDF format that I will share here for the first time, about 5 years ago. Although Mole would be my signature dish, my friends and family often request Ribs, Grilled Salmon, Smoked Pork Butt, Wings and Burgers, As well as Breakfast. I make 'Chorizo con Huevos' almost every weekend, it's on deck for tomorrow morning, in fact.
There may or may not be a clock on this Mole recipe being posted. "Thee Mole Recipe®"
nut better copy since half the time imgs don quote

Yep no IMG...
Aight.  What's Scovie up to?  Is he demonstrating actual internet graphics skeelz?  THere's a Card-File notecard of a Pendejo recipe on top of the rest of the recipes!  That would not normally happen in regular Scovie world.
salsalady said:
Aight.  What's Scovie up to?  Is he demonstrating actual internet graphics skeelz?  THere's a Card-File notecard of a Pendejo recipe on top of the rest of the recipes!  That would not normally happen in regular Scovie world.