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What kind of CFLs do I use for growing plants?


It's been so long since I bought lightbulbs, I don't remember what I am supposed to use.

What type of CFL? Watts? Lumens? Wavelength?

A mix of 6500 and 3000 K bulbs with as many lumens as you can get.

Here is a sweet dig:
Or connect these: http://compare.ebay.com/like/380374483570?var=lv&ltyp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar

to these: https://www.google.com/shopping/product/12596232357191469108?hl=en&gs_rn=0&gs_ri=serp&tok=_rMKX21_S4tVrdPHMxCRBw&ds=sh&pq=y+connector+socket+outlet&cp=18&gs_id=1t&xhr=t&q=socket%20to%20outlet%20adapter&pf=p&rlz=1C1AVSA_enUS428US432&sclient=psy-ab&oq=socket+to+outlet+a&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&biw=1024&bih=513&sa=X&ei=ZIwMUfWhO6rjiAL29oHwCg&sqi=2&ved=0CH0Q8wIwAQ

to these: https://www.google.com/shopping/product/12246039417083342111?hl=en&q=power%20strip%20with%20timer&oq=power+strip+with+&gs_l=products-cc.1.1.0l10.2744.16563.0.18593.

- Mega

Wow went a little over board with that... but yeah my first comment will get you results.
6500k CFL's should be plenty for you. I have several 125W bulbs of those and they're really good.
Thanks man... you really put the Mega in a discussion on Watts! :woohoo:

elcap: Where do you get 6500k 125W bulbs at? All the stores I have shopped at only have like max 5000k and a lot of even lower ones.

He talks about in Mega's video about "soft light for growth..."
i use 100 watt daylight spectrum to start them and use them until there ready to go outside, i try too keep them as close as possable but not too close that they burn the plants
works well for me i have been doing the same thing for around 3 years now with great results

thanks your friend Joe
I usually order them online. Amazon has them for a somewhat decent price..

Link: http://www.amazon.com/Hydrofarm-FLC125W-125-Watt-Compact-Fluorescent/dp/B002TJS7LE/ref=pd_sim_lg_5
Yeah... I remember having mine on 100W last season, and they did well. Any advantage to 125W?

I just don't understand the whole K thing...

Why is 6500k favorable? The closest thing I could find last season was 5000k, and I've found more in the grocery store that were like 500-1500K. I have seen a difference in the bulbs as to some looking blueish, and others looking more amarillo o el sol. I guess this is what people talk about when they speak of "cool" and "hot" lighting?
The spectrum has something to do with what particular kind of growth you want. I'm no expert, but I think 6500k covers most of the colors that the plants need that best replicates the sun. Blue and red are both good for specific things like foliage growth. There are definately more people here that know the specifics on that.
It has to do with what color sun light is present during different seasons. Based on the tilt of the earth closer to blue is around during spring outside the tropics; closer to red during fall again outside the tropics.

As I understand it 6500k, blue, is better for growth, closer to 3000, red, better for flowering. Peppers grow and flower at the same time so a mix is great. If you have the patience using all 6500 until plant are ready to flower then a mix is ideal... as I understand things.

- Mega
I use 8 cfl's.
6 daylight, 2 warm white.
26 watts each. (100 watt eq.)

Easy to find. Can get them at higher wattages, but a bit pricy and harder to find.

After building it, I figered out I may have come out ahead if I would have gone for a 4 tube fluroscent rig instead.
Crap. I thought this was some kind of contest to guess what lights you use. Hoping to win a prize.

It was explained to me like this, get something that produces light as close to the sun as you can. Made sense to me. I ended up with 6500k lamps.
I grew under 5000k last year and they did really well...have 6500's and 5000s now, and they're doing really well. Go with either you can find and your plants will do well. 100w eqivalents will work too, the more the merrier!
For growing I use a 250W CFL with 6400°K for 1m²
For "flowering" I use also a 250W but with 2700°K

They usually last one season and then lumens drop down
You'll want something close to 3000-5000 lumens per square foot, if you plan on growing them full cycle indoors.

Since I'm in Tx and the sun is PLENTY strong here, I'm only looking at getting the seeds to about 6-10 leaves strong before I start letting them sit outside under a tree. Just want to make sure that I'm not going to be causing a lot of issues by starting the plants under poor lighting.