I have 2 bhuts, 2 habaneros and one jalapeno in five gallon containers and want to get some stakes and mulch. What kind of mulch should I get at Home Depot?
I got shredded ceder. Hoping it kick starts my Bhuts in time before the frost comes. Also grabbed a bottle of Bug B Gone insecticidal soap as I started getting gnats in my soil
I use cedar in my containers. It does a good job of keeping the roots cool. This pic was taken in 96F weather in full sun. Left side is top of mulch, right side is top of soil under the mulch.
Mulch will harbour gnats in pots just like soil so no difference. Txcg shows why its useful. Also, its easier for the soil to soak up water with mulch since the top of the mix never gets that cake layer that sucks to wet.
The difference is what zone are you in actually I would think. I'm with TXCG because here in texas 100 degree day is almost an everyday situation End of may through September. So I mulch absolutely and will have dry soil in 3 days most of the time. In montreal I can't imagine the need to mulch but I don't see a problem with it as long as your soil isn't staying wet for long periods of time. Then you can see fungal gnats but like milworkman pointed out... you can see gnat problems mulch or no mulch if it's staying wet.
EDIT: Just to reiterate I didn't use mulch last year and was watering every other day if not every other day. Learned my lesson. This year they seem much happier with mulch down in the summer time.