What kind of wildlife do you have in your area?

As it pertains to your plants. The other night, I watched as a opossum walked through my garden and I suspect that is what's been digging near my in-ground plants.
Our neighborhood has a wildlife disclosure of black bears, deer, rattlesnakes, and raccoons.
In the 2.5 years we've been here, I've only seen opossum and raccoon.
I live on a golf course ... This friendly guy lives in the small lake behind our house ... typical golf course lake 
Lots of large-mouth bass in the lake too
Edit: Fortunately, he has no interest in pepper plants! :D
I have all kinds of stuff.  While I would not have thought this, the worst pest I had last year for my plants was squirrels.  I used a plastic mulch over my patch with about a foot diameter hole cut for the plants.  Squirrels kept digging in the soft soil around the plants and burying walnuts.  I would come home to find dirt all over the plastic.  Sometimes they would dig right through the roots on an entire side of a plant.  Sometimes I found the walnuts, other times it wasn't until I saw the walnut tree starting that I know it was there.  Chipmunks like to eat my low tomatoes and strawberries.  I have been at war with chipmunks for the last 8 years since moving to this house.  I have greatly reduced their numbers but a few always show up every spring.  I have a side walk and patio pavers that are sloping terribly due to their tunnels and then the erosion once water uses the tunnels as a pathway.  I worry about deer but have not had any issues yet.  In the fall and winter its common to have 10 deer in my yard in the evenings, but thankfully they stay in the woods more in the spring and summer.   Lots of moles too, not sure what kind of damage they might do if they get into the pepper area, but it will probably happen sooner or later.
Deer - rodents with hooves. "Topped" my tomatoe plants a few times last year. Thankfully they left the chiles alone.
Rabbits, Chipmunks, Squirrels, Mice, Groundhogs - rodents. Like to dig in the pots in the fall, until I put Critter Ridder out.
Skunks - more rodents. Just do an about-face and water the plants another time when these are around.
Birds galore. Fortunately they've left my chiles alone. Blue Jays, Cardinals, Robins, Turkeys, something bright yellow and black that I think is a Warbler, and so on. 
Rabbits are my number one enemy. They are persistent and REALLY want to be in my yard despite 2 dogs. For every 2 holes I patch in my cedar fence they chew a new one. Anything that resembles a gap they dig under. I just went through and ghetto patched a bunch of places, line my gates with concrete wall caps and other places with 4x4's My raised beds have a picket fence around them with rabbit fencing stapled to it all the way around. They eat all my wifeys flowers, chewed my blueberry and rasberry bushes down the the ground over the winter along with some other bushes. Only thing that has been safe from them is the evergreens. 
Voles are another pest I have to deal with in the summer digging up my garden beds. I set traps for them. 
Red tail hawks don't pose any real threat except to my ankle biters.
Wish we had more coyotes around here. Thin those damn rabbits down some. I hear them yippin in the summer but still not enough. 
Spotted a racoon in my backyard once over the winter. Wifey wasn't thrilled about that because at her old house they chewed through her siding and got into her attic and tore a bunch of stuff up. Had to have someone come out and trap two of them. 
Mink- only seen roadkill a few times around here. 
Ground squirrels really don't pose any threats for me so far. Had a few living under my porch in the front yard. Would put a bowl out with sunflower seeds for him.
No chipmunks, possums or squirrels. Subdivision isn't old enough, all the trees are still too small to host them. At least that I have seen. 
I put out feeders with thistle for Golden finches and chickadees. Sometimes I feed the other bastard birds too but they can be dicks to my garden some times. 
I forgot about skunks and squirrels. Also, jays take all my Pequin peppers right off the plant.
How in the H can they just swallow those little peppers?


Oh, that Turbota, that's cool.
TrueNorthReptiles, when is the best time to put peppers out and when do you harvest them there.
My wife and I may retire there :-)
stoney's_ghost said:
I forgot about skunks and squirrels. Also, jays take all my Pequin peppers right off the plant.
How in the H can they just swallow those little peppers?


Oh, that Turbota, that's cool.
TrueNorthReptiles, when is the best time to put peppers out and when do you harvest them there.
My wife and I may retire there :-)
you have nice mountain kingsnakes and rosy boas where you live.
see here
and here
stoney's_ghost said:
TrueNorthReptiles, when is the best time to put peppers out and when do you harvest them there.
My wife and I may retire there :-)
This is honestly my first season here in Wyoming. I lived here as a kid and I just moved back at the end of January. I should have my peppers in the greenhouse in about a month or so.
Where do yall plan to retire? Meeteetse? Cody? Or just somewhere in the general area? I'm assuming yall have been up my way then.
European wild boar

Roe deer

Nile geese
Stone marten
Forrest marten
European polecat
European red Squirrel
Red fox
Rats (Black and brown)
Mice (tons of varieties)

Birds of prey;

And tons of other birds. I only listed the genus of the predator birds as we have a lot of sub species. Especially Owls (I live 100 yards from a dense forrests).

I don't really have much issues with wildlife here mainly because I have 180cm (9') panels around my garden plot. Though on the farm Roe deer tends to nibble on everything that's green. Wild boar group together in groups of 15-60 adults and can plow a field with crops overnight. I don't really have problems with rodents, except for a occasionally Squirrel or mouse that nibbles on my sweet corn. I can live with that, and actually watching them do it... Especially the european red Squirrel which is far smaller and less invasive as it's US grey counterpart.

Most damage is from foxes, marten, mink, polecat that really destroy things to get in a chicken coop or build a nest.
We have all kinds here in Louisiana, but the only things I have to watch with my plants are the birds. I put corn out for the squirrels, so that keeps them satisfied.
Whitetail deer, black bear, skunk, wild turkey, moles, kites, cardinals, jays, crows... lots and lots of crows, vulture, otters, gators, nutria (those have a statewide bounty on them, or used to anyway...$6 a tail), boar, raccoon, opossum, our state bird the mosquito, lizards (green anole), salamanders, mice, rats, cockroach.... beaucoup
I live close to Ocala National Forest, so like TrueNorthReptiles who lives near a Forest, I have lots of wildlife and insects...
Just some:
Deer, Hogs, Bear, Gators, Bobcats, Panthers, Skunks, Rabbits, Opossums, Armadillos (They dig everywhere!), Squirrels, Racoons, Fox, Coyote, Many venomous & nonvenomous reptiles...(List_of_reptiles_of_Florida), Too many Insects (including many that bite or sting: Scorpions, Lots of Black/Brown Widows, mosquitoes, roaches...)... Lots of Rodents.... Too many Birds... Oh shit!!! Maybe it would just be easier to list what isn't here!!! Elephants, Hippos, Rhinos, ..... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh... But the worst are the Retirees!!! They are taking over everything....  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I've seen all of the following in my yard, some frequently, some just a few times:
rabbits, chipmunks, squirrels (red, grey and black), house mice, deer mice, voles, moles, bats, porcupines, raccoons, skunks, foxes, deer, birds (everything from hummingbirds to turkeys), garter snakes, milk snakes, frogs, toads.

Biggest pest for the peppers are the rabbits. I'm hoping the foxes come back again this year.
umm nothing really except maybe birds.. song birds mostly .. kinda weird going from the country to the middle of a huge city... no wild life except some birds..
It's pretty developed here so I only see squirrels, birds, rabbits, chipmunks, skunks, raccoons, possums, some mice, and bats. The usual, not much else. The occasional coyote maybe. The coolest bird is the brown? hawk. There are deer around but not in my area, too dense. I've never heard of rabbits messing with pepper plants.
Maybe it's the location, but only the occasional bite out of a low lying tomato affect my garden. I assume it's the chipmunks. Last year a bird bit a baby pepper plant off at the soil line.
Grasshoppers the size of my hand (seriously) and something, probably birds (although I have not ruled out my new neighbor), has eaten all my Jalapenos and Red Savinas.  