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video What pepper did this guy eat in this video?

I think its not a Ghost pepper from its appearance but maybe I'm wrong. Kind of looks like a Pimento or a cherry bomb or something. Stem looks too thick and its too round and smooth to be a bhut. If it is a bhut or a variant, then I should probably appologize to the guy for doubting.

Definitely not a ghost pepper but something more like he found at the salad bar. :crazy: Take that back it doesn't look like this guy ever ate at salad bar in his life. :rofl:

Tell him he needs to visit THP.
The big box grocery stores here were selling similar looking peppers as bhuts a few months ago. They looked and tasted like caribbean reds except smaller. They were selling for $5-6 for a little package while the orange habs were selling for $5-6 a pound. I think the farmer got bunk seeds and nobody knew any better all the way to the consumer. The produce manager insisted that they were bhuts because it was "right there on the package." :lol:
lmao...that has to be the lamest review I have ever seen. If the guy really does think its a ghost he is gonna feel like a fool when he finds out its a bell pepper and he is saying its the hottest thing he has ever eaten. :)
Looks like a mini chocolate bell pepper lol
Well the guy has agreed for me to send him a bhut or two for him to try. Unfortunately they are dry because my plants for this year are still tiny. Do you guys find dry ones have less 'hit' than fresh? I find them that way....well the burn tends to be different and maybe it hurts me less when they are dry.

Either way, the guy is in for a surprise. Bhuts are way hotter than olives.
Well, I've prepared a package with three smaller Bhuts I dried in the fall. Too bad I didnt have any large ones like from mid summer of last year. Anyway it will be good enough compared to whatever the guy ate before.

Three peppers, slit then dried (I find they dry nicer that way - lower temps)


Thought I'd include a little disclaimer or something since he is nearly playing with fire.
Nice letter, but I would have added "For more info on chile peppers, growing, cooking, and all around shenanigans, visit http://www.thehotpepper.com"

And maybe a note that fresh pods would be available later this year, if he thinks he has big enough bojangles to take them on.
Well the guy has agreed for me to send him a bhut or two for him to try. Unfortunately they are dry because my plants for this year are still tiny. Do you guys find dry ones have less 'hit' than fresh? I find them that way....well the burn tends to be different and maybe it hurts me less when they are dry.

Either way, the guy is in for a surprise. Bhuts are way hotter than olives.

Might have less kick, I agree, but still gonna kick his ass far more than that big olive did :) I mean seriously, he thought the olive was hot! lmao :)

I love the care package. Maybe you should mention THP and say "if you really want to know the difference between a pepper and an olive, join the site" :)
defiantly not a Bhut and not even a Habanero

if you notice when he bites off the pepper from the stem it has that tell-tale large round piece coming off the bottom its most likely a cherry pepper of some kind Bhuts and Hab break clean from the stem without such a protrusion , im not doubting it was hot it may very well have been but, it was not a bhut!! also there was too much shadow because the light was bad at the time of filming so you cant really make out the color per say

im not the type to put my self in the judgment seat but im very skeptical of this video

thanks your friend Joe
This thing kind of frustrates me. These big macho dudes munching on a "bhut jolokia". The Epic dude says the guy did his research too. I'm wondering where he did it, Disney freaking Land? Lame.

I hope he's got the balls to tape eating the real bhut. Way to go svtcontour.
Well it was not difficult to imagine, but seems there is no updated video of anyone trying a real Ghost pepper :) Well according to the comments on the video, the pepper was consumed but no video because it was exactly the same thing. I guess what I sent clearly looks smooth and round :)