What pods can you buy at your local markets?

Ralphster you are lucky since you live in a mega city. Hipster here are trying to bring some stuff but nothing comers to chai town nyc Miami la for rare finds.
Being the "Chile capitol of the world" (someone should kick us in the arse for even suggesting that) lol, our selection is grim indeed: habs. jalas, Serrano fresh, arbol, and japones dried. During August and September the green Chile harvest comes around but few chiles come from Hatch anymore, they are usually from Limitar, NM and consistently taste like hay. If you happen to find any Young Guns in the store they are legit Hatch and are superior in quality. If you do happen to find Young guns, you probably have to enter some shady backwater shanty and deal with the yakuza for a pound, especially if it's for the Lumbre. :D
Oh and the fresh stuff at the main Asian market should have never been put out. Moldy and decaying, looks like something Spielberg would imagine.
Voodoo 6 said:
Being the "Chile capitol of the world" (someone should kick us in the arse for even suggesting that) lol, our selection is grim indeed: habs. jalas, Serrano fresh, arbol, and japones dried. During August and September the green Chile harvest comes around but few chiles come from Hatch anymore, they are usually from Limitar, NM and consistently taste like hay. If you happen to find any Young Guns in the store they are legit Hatch and are superior in quality. If you do happen to find Young guns, you probably have to enter some shady backwater shanty and deal with the yakuza for a pound, especially if it's for the Lumbre. :D
Oh and the fresh stuff at the main Asian market should have never been put out. Moldy and decaying, looks like something Spielberg would imagine.
You´ve painted a mighty grim picture here.  Still, thanks for sharing.  FWIW, I always felt a bit suspicious about NMś claim to be the Chile Capitol of the World.
They can probably claim the crime capitol of the world, worse than Somalia. They do guarantee that whatever is not nailed down will be stolen, and if it is nailed down the nails themselves will be stolen. There are some good things here though lemme think....black market green Chile, already mentioned that.. we get very few tsunamis here, that is a plus.
Found more pix...



Heading out to the Korean market in a few minutes. Large ripe gochu might be in season now but they almost always have green. They had some ripe last year around this time. The ones i tasted before were kinda mild and way larger than the variety im going.
Will post some pics if they have any.
ShowMeDaSauce said:
Heading out to the Korean market in a few minutes. Large ripe gochu might be in season now but they almost always have green. They had some ripe last year around this time. The ones i tasted before were kinda mild and way larger than the variety im going.
Will post some pics if they have any.
Sounds promising!
Walchit said:
Guy at the farmers market had Caribbean red habs, yellow scotch bonnets and one yellow fatilii looking pepper all mixed together, grabbed the fatilii and 11 scotch bonnets for 2 bucks
Nice score.