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What the hell is this?

I have this plant labelled as a Tabasco, yet I have two other Tabasco plants that look nothing like what this is.

All the Tabasco seeds I got were from Trini, so I can only assume I've either mislabelled or this is a cross of some sort. I'm deadset sure I haven't labelled this wrong though, because it was in a smaller pot before hand and I just moved the same label across with the plant.



Any ideas?
looks like an annuum, that's all I can contribute at this stage - I've got some cayennes growing and they look similar to this in colour,leaf shape and blossom but they could be any annuum.

are they sitting in water? peppers don't like to have wet feet.

great pics - lovely closeups! are they aphids on the flower? is there one below the bud on the string also?
Dunno what bugs they are, they aren't aphids. I did a spray of Confidor only last week because I saw an ant army going up and down a few of my plants.

Yeah, those pots are sitting on water. While I hear over and over that peppers dont like wet feet, how do you explain hydroponics then? :) The way that pot system works is there 4 stacked tri pots, and you are meant to water from the top. Each tri pot has holes at the bottom, and the water flows from the top, all the way to the bottom, then stored in the tray that you see in the photo. Obviously that helps feed the bottom plants, but I have no idea how the 3 tri pots stacked above it are watered by it, I guess they aren't.

Would you believe the pics were taken with a video camera? It's got a camera mode, and I reckon it does a pretty damn fine job
I don't know how hydro grown plants thrive while overwatered plants in soil go downhill, I've wondered about that myself. maybe someone here can explain it.

I used to have a Sony video camera with the memory stick for pics and it never took shots like those.
Difference between hydro and standing water is dissolved oxygen content. Plants sitting in stagnant water will die from lack of oxygen, roots will drown. That's why you see people using air stones when growing hydro. If you overwater in soil, its basicaly like the plant is standing in stagnant water since most mediums won't hold enough oxygen when fully saturated. Thats why a lot of soil has perlite and other things to help with drainage and soil aeration to help prevent overwatering.
Whats the theory behind these water savings pots then?

Im not going to disagree with what anyone says on here, so many experienced growers, but I used these water saving pots with a small reservoir at the bottom that act as a wick with a small portion of soil that has contact with the water and thats it, and the plants grew really well.

Surely as long as only the very bottom of the soil has contact with water, the roots will dive down to get the water and nutrients they need to survive, and the rest of the soil will dry out accordingly? I use a combination of potting soil, perlite and coco coir as my soil mix.
MiLK_MaN said:
Whats the theory behind these water savings pots then?

Im not going to disagree with what anyone says on here, so many experienced growers, but I used these water saving pots with a small reservoir at the bottom that act as a wick with a small portion of soil that has contact with the water and thats it, and the plants grew really well.

Surely as long as only the very bottom of the soil has contact with water, the roots will dive down to get the water and nutrients they need to survive, and the rest of the soil will dry out accordingly? I use a combination of potting soil, perlite and coco coir as my soil mix.

I would not use soil with Coir,Use Coir/Vermilte or Perilite and some clay pepples for top and bottom of these type of containers:)