hogleg said:
BACK ON TOPIC.Dash2, i'd like to meet dash2. damit,
I dont even know if im in the right thread. I'm sure theres about ten ofvers i'm fergittin. sorry if en I fergetted you
Thanks, man!

Wait. You mean you'd want to meet me and my cat, Dammit? I gotta post more pics of her in the pet thread. And she's not even as cute as our other cat, Sarin. Yeah, Sarin - like the poison gas. (She had a bit of a poison gas problem when we started her on a new cat food when she was a kitten…)
Getting together sure would make Sunday Morning Reggae Parties easier. It's really hard to keep two gallons of Mulberry pie filling from splattering all over the kitchen whilst constantly running back to the 'puter to select another song. Also,

Anyhoo. I'm convinced that THP has a higher proportion of skilled, creative and passionate chefs than anywhere else on the interwebz. I lurked here for gardening help years ago, but it was the mouthwatering pics from Cooking With Fire that made me want to join. Who wouldn't want to go blow waaaaaaay too much cash at the local butcher shop and liquor store and come home with Joyner, Scovie, Essegi, TB, JayT, Frydad etc… and proceed to destroy a kitchen?!
In my first post on THP, I said something like "It's good to be home - among folks who embrace the joy of getting shithammered and cooking gourmet food". At most parties I've been to, eventually the kitchen becomes the spot for all the cool kids to hang out. (Maybe 'cuz it's closes to the beer…) Either way, THP is the "kitchen" of the internet! Y'all are my peeps!