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What to charge?????

The wildest thing just happened; my wife just called from work with an order for peppers! I never even gave marketing these things much thought, but now I might need to.
I gave one of my NOTaPDreadies and an Aji White Lightening Bolt to one of the wife's employees, they claimed a liking for spicy peppers. Now they want 15 of each to make a huge batch of salsa...
Obviously I'm not going into business with one plant of each, but word is apparently getting around the 'hood that I grow a higher level of pod.
So anyhow, what's the going rate for unstable varieties?
Since you are not a business you should not try to figure out market value but instead what makes you happy, as a hobby seller + making your wife's friends happy, while not losing $ + sweat equity.
Malarky said:
SFRB seem to sell for 15-20. Just subtract the box and there you go.
The Hot Pepper said:
Since you are not a business you should not try to figure out market value but instead what makes you happy, as a hobby seller + making your wife's friends happy, while not losing $ + sweat equity.
tctenten said:
This x1000.
Hawaiianero said:
I saw orange habs in stores go for $10/Lb and same at farmers market going for 50 cents apiece.
sicman said:
Trade for?
DANG! So my price for pride (oooh, song lyric there!) is at a premium this year....These folks are kinda snobbish lakeshore dwellers, and these ARE exotic hybrid peppers (the Papa Dreadie X Bonda Mahala cross will clear a room when cut open), and I did pour my heart all over every little pepper plant out there since CHRISTMAS fercryinoutloud.....
...this may involve some deeper consideration....Mebbe I just want some of their salsa when it's done.... :think:
stettoman said:
Uh-oh, that would entail an F2 season on the Dreadie Mahala....I should perhaps consult windchicken....the cross has a distinct flavor quality, not to mention it kills 99.99% of airborne bacteria.....
:lol:  Nice 
well the good news is, you could take cuttings and grow out lots of that particular pheno  (might be a good idea anyway if it's that distinct)
sounds like a fun project for winter  :cool:  then you can have a bunch of those F1 clones ready for outdoors by next May/June  :rolleyes:
do you get frustrated like me, wanting to plant out in spring and having to wait until the end of May too?  :mope:
I can´t really speak with any authority here, as I have never sold any chiles that i´ve grown.  I have, however, exchanged my pods for glory, other ppl´s homegrown produce, and bar dollars.  I kinda feel like, this being a hobby for me instead of a commercial enterprise, that kind of bartering just feels more appropriate.
"...but word is apparently getting around the 'hood that I grow a higher level of pod..."
I like that name - A Higher Level of Pod.
What starts with two people may escalate into pilgrimages from neighboring towns...
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
:lol:  Nice 
well the good news is, you could take cuttings and grow out lots of that particular pheno  (might be a good idea anyway if it's that distinct)
sounds like a fun project for winter  :cool:  then you can have a bunch of those F1 clones ready for outdoors by next May/June  :rolleyes:
do you get frustrated like me, wanting to plant out in spring and having to wait until the end of May too?  :mope:
Please don't confuse me with someone who knows what he's doing...Just the thought of cuttings makes me think of mass murder....
This one should be conducive to overwintering, though. It's in a 5 gallon bag as it is, and what I trim for overwinter could be, uh....used as cuttings....
So GIP, you got a link to that "cutting" thread? :high:
stettoman said:
Please don't confuse me with someone who knows what he's doing...Just the thought of cuttings makes me think of mass murder....
This one should be conducive to overwintering, though. It's in a 5 gallon bag as it is, and what I trim for overwinter could be, uh....used as cuttings....
So GIP, you got a link to that "cutting" thread? :high:
there are several threads on various cloning techniques 
I'd refer you to my homemade cloner out of some pvc parts, a cheap aquarium pump, a cat liter pail (the bucket it comes in), and some net cups in my 2015 Glog
but Photobucket killed all the pics :mope:
this is probably a good place to start 
more good info with pictures  :cool:
also i have found these with a heatmat for the first few days to be a really simple very effective method if you don't want to DIY something
works great for seeds or cuttings, refills are about $15/50 plugs you might want the taller dome for it depending on the size of your cuttings.
i've also had success rooting a broken branch in a bottle of water ;)
also most recently I cloned the branch i removed from my bonchi with a new to me simple method I tried
I took a cup of moist FFOF and pushed the cutting into it, then used another clear 16 oz cup as the lid/humidity dome. Kept it moist but not wet until i could see roots through the clear bottom cup. Took about a week  it probably didn't even need the extra cup that long.
it's easier than it sounds at first :)
you got this  :metal:
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Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
well the good news is, you could take cuttings and grow out lots of that particular pheno  (might be a good idea anyway if it's that distinct)
sounds like a fun project for winter  :cool:  then you can have a bunch of those F1 clones ready for outdoors by next May/June  :rolleyes:
stettoman said:
This one should be conducive to overwintering, though. It's in a 5 gallon bag as it is, and what I trim for overwinter could be, uh....used as cuttings....
So GIP, you got a link to that "cutting" thread? :high:
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
there are several threads on various cloning techniques 
this is probably a good place to start 
I'm a firm believer in the KISS principle. A recent thread that applies this was Attempting to root a broken branch aeroponics.
DWB said:
Easy deal. I had to make my plants smaller to fit in my winter shelter last year. I trimmed off branches that wouldn't fit. Some had pods in various stages of ripening. I didn't want to waste them or eat them before ripening so I stuck those branches in a plastic pitcher and put it on a south facing windowsill in the kitchen. The pods ripened and I ate them. The branches kept growing leaves and flowering and made more tiny pods. I ate those too. I changed the water once in a while and the sticks eventually grew roots. In the spring, I planted them in pots. Now I have four nice big clones that have been giving me more peppers since July.
DontPanic said:
Do you recall how long it stayed in the pitcher before it started growing roots?
DWB said:
Late November to early February. By April they had masses of roots.
DWB lives in "Lower Alabama", I believe this may have been an influence on their success, YMMV. You could try a few different methods if you have the room and report back?
OK, even simpler. This is from the other PDreadie plant, the one in the 8th acre. It only very recently began to produce flower buds, the Dreadie-Mahala has been a much more active plant. From my hobbyist perspective the foliage is also much different, the Mahala cross has much more firm, sinewy branches and darker leaves. For grins, and perhaps to actually ultimately see if the second plant IS a true PDreadie, I performed the simplest attempt at cloning: a cutting stuck into a glass of tapwater.
Yes, the heating pad is on....

If this works I will create a few more...