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What to do with dried and smoked Bhut Jolokia?

Hello everyone,

I was so excited when I found out that that was the hottest chile ever, I went on and bought some dried and smoked ones. But besides from using it in my spaghetti sauce or chili, I have no clue what I could do with them...

Any good suggestions?

You can grind them up and use them as you would pepper to spice up and meal you're eating. Their powder is great in scrambled eggs or omelets, but I've sprinkled it on all sorts of dishes. I also have made a great rub buy mixing it with some other spices.
Thank you Pepperfreak. It is a good idea to have it powdered to sprinkle since my family is not as a chilehead as myself. Plus, with a 16-month old at home, I can not take the risk to have him ingest that hot stuff!