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What tomatoes are you growing in 2016?

ColdSmoke said:
they were in a really humid environment in the dome...then I put direct light on them and they got burned...the new growth is healthy so I'm not worried. I am worried about stopping this vertical growth, how do I go about that? The light is maybe 6 inches from the plants...How can I support them so they don't start falling over?
From your description and their appearance, I might guess there is a combination of two things going on...  first you may have developed a little bit of verticillium or fusarium wilt from the humid conditions... then, as you said, they were sun burned, because they did not have the natural resistance to intense sunlight yet.  Some of them may not make it, but treat them all well, and the ones that do survive will be just fine in a month.
I'm growing typical home depot varieties, heirlooms, and various cherry. Black Krim, Cherokee Purple, Indigo Rose, and Isis Candy are some new varieties for me this season. Hopefully they do well. I don't have much luck with tomatoes. I think I need to shade cloth them and plant companion flowers for better pollination.
I have a tray full of Curtis Cheek todller's I am hardening off.
I also have some Abracazebra Cherry tomatoes & some lemon drop cherry tomatoes along with some Korean longs
The Cherokee Purple Hearts did not make it .
Also have Green moMoldovan & picked up a few green zebras
Curtis Cheeks seem to be well suited to southeast missouri & I've noticed they have a sweet smell to them .
This weather is killing me.  Its extremely difficult to harden plants off when every day it is over-cast and/or storming.  I have been forced to move my plants back inside multiple times this past week.  I do not want them to get rained on until they are 3/4 burried in the ground, or they will be pulverized by the rain drops into a tangled mess... and because they are in 2 oz cells, their precious little soil would be blasted out of the containers.  I do have several tomatoes in the ground already though.  I am just waiting to be able to till the main tomato patch.. but the weather wont let up.
This is my main tomato patch... all heirlooms! 
Silver Fir Tree (seed saver's exchange)
Velvet Red (seed saver's exchange)
Anna Russian (reimers)
Australian Oxheart (victoryseeds)
Brad's Black Heart (bunnyhopseeds)       
Cuor Di Bue(delectationof tomatoes,etc)
Cuore de Boeuf de Nice (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Cuore De Toro  (delectationof tomatoes,etc)
Fishlake Oxheart (Fiogga)
Gildo Pietroboni (Fiogga)
Hungarian Heart (reimers) 
Kosovo (tatiana'stomatoes)
Mont de Maratz (tatiana'stomatoes)
Shapka Monomakha  (HeritageSeeds)
Vera's Seed (Fiogga)
Wes (tatiana'stomatoes)
Captain Lucky (Fiogga)
Ananas Noire (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Copper River (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Malakhitovaya Shkatulka (delectationof tomatoes,etc)
Aunt Ruby's German Green (thesampleseedshop)
Cherokee Green (thesampleseedshop)
Humph (thesampleseedshop)
1884 Purple(tomatofest)
Berkeley Tie Dye Pink (Fiogga)
Big Cheef (secret seed cartel)
BKX (bunnyhopseeds)
Black from Tula (reimers)
Black Krim (rare seeds)
Blue Ridge Black (tatiana'stomatoes)
Carbon (tomatogrowersupply)
Cherokee Chocolate (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Cherokee Purple (reimers)
Chocolate Stripes (Fiogga)
Daniel Burson (bunnyhop seeds)
Dwarf Purple Heart (tatiana'stomatoes)
Indian Stripe (tomatogrowersupply)
Japanese Black Triefel (delectationof tomatoes,etc)
JD’s Special C-Tex (thesampleseedshop)
Mystery Purple 2015
Noire Charbonneuse (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Paul Robeson (reimers)
Pierce's Pride (HeritageSeeds)
Prudens Purple (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Purple Calabash (thesampleseedshop)
Spudakee (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Violet Noir (secret seed cartel)
Vorlon (rareseeds)
Azoychka (tomatofest)
Brandywine Yellow (reimers)
Brandywine Yellow (platfoot)(tatiana'stomatoes)
Casey's Pure Yellow (Fiogga)
Claude Brown’s Yellow Giant (Bill Best)
Dr. Wyche's Yellow (tomatofest)
KBX (Fiogga)
Kentucky Beefsteak (reimers)
Moon Glow (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Moya Juane (secret seed cartel)
Willard Wynn (Bill Best)
Yellow Ruffled (marriana'sseeds)
Yoder's Yellow German (tomatofest)
Big Rainbow (tatiana'stomatoes)
FFA Pineapple Mix (amishland seeds)
Hillbilly (territorial seed co)
Marvel Striped (Fiogga)
Old German(tomatofest)
Pineapple (reimers)
Tuxhorn's Red and Yellow (tatiana'stomatoes)
1884 (tomatofest)
African Queen (delectationof tomatoes,etc)
Amish Potato Leaf (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Aunt Gertie's Gold (Fiogga)
Aunt Ginny's Purple (tatiana's tomatoes)
Barlow Jap (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Big Ben No.1 (tatiana'stomatoes)
Black Mountain Pink (amishlandseeds)
Boxcar Willie (totallytomatoes)
Brandywine Pink (reimers)
Brandywine (Croatian) (Fiogga)
Brandywine (Cowlick)(Tatianastomatoes)
Brandywine Red (victory seeds)
Brandywine (Sudduth's) (seed saver's exchange)
Bulgarian Old Sort  (HeritageSeeds)
Butler Skinner (amishlandseeds)
Caspian Pink (victory seeds)
Chapman (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Cosmonaut Volkov (rare seeds)
Costoluto Genovese (thesampleseedshop)
Couilles de Taureau (tomatofest)
Crnkovic Yugoslavian (seed saver's exchange)
Dester (rareseeds)
Dr Lyle (delectationof tomatoes,etc)
Druzba (tatiana'stomatoes)
Earl's Faux (tomatogrowersupply)
Fred Limbaugh's Potato Top (tomatofest)
German Head (delectationoftomatoes,etc) 
German Hege (amishlandseeds)
German Johnson (white oak valley farms)
German Pink (rareseeds)
German Queen(tomatofest)
Giant Belgium (tatiana'stomatoes)
Grandfather Ashlock(tomatofest)
Hoy (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Jurmala    (bunnyhop)
Liz Birt (secret seed cartel)
Marianna's Peace (tomatofest)
Milka's Red Bulgarian (casey'sheirloomtomatoes)
Mortgage Lifter  (Estler's) (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Mortgage Lifter (Radiator Charley's) (territorial seed co)
Mule Team  (white oak valley farms)
Neves Azorian Red (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Omar's Lebanese (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Purple Dog Creek (amishlandseeds)
Rebel Yell (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Red Barn (secret seed cartel)
Soldacki (seed saver's exchange)
Stump of the World (tatiana'stomatoes)
Super Choice (tomatofest)
Tarasenko 6 (tatiana'stomatoes)
Terhune (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Vinson Watts (Tatianastomatoes)

I did a walk through my heirloom tomato jungle to do a quick scouting of the performance of the different varieties, and from that casual eye test I determined these varieties to be the most prolific fruiting cultivars and/or possessing the largest individual fruits thus far in the season:
German Head (delectationoftomatoes,etc) 
Claude Brown’s Yellow Giant (Bill Best)
BKX (bunnyhopseeds)
Brad's Black Heart (bunnyhopseeds)
Old German(tomatofest)
Anna Russian (reimers)
Casey's Pure Yellow (Fiogga)
Stump of the World (tatiana'stomatoes)
German Hege (amishlandseeds)
Neves Azorian Red (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Brandywine Yellow (reimers)
I will try to snap some pictures today.  The tomato plants are now officially out of control!  