• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

What tomatoes are you growing in 2016?

Lets see those lists!!!
This season I am actually going to try to focus on tomatoes especially.  The past several growing seasons I have had poor luck with tomatoes... probably because I have not put much effort into them since I have become a chili head.  This Fall I have done a lot of research on varieties, and my obsession with collecting the best genetics has left me with 177 varieties of tomato to grow this season.   Hopefully with the research I am putting in and the acquisition of some drip line and proper stakes/cages/trellis I can grow some nice maters.
On a side note... is anyone here a member of tomatoville?  I am trying to register an account over there... but I have not been activated after 10 days, and I cannot get in touch with any moderators.... :tear:
Well here is my literally mind-boggling, out-of-control tomato list for 2016:


1884 (tomatofest)
1884 Purple(tomatofest)
Abe Lincoln (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
African Queen (delectationof tomatoes,etc)
Amish Paste (whiteoakvalleyfarms)
Amish Potato Leaf (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Ananas Noire (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Anna Russian (reimers)
Aunt Gertie's Gold (Fiogga)
Aunt Ginny's Purple (tatiana's tomatoes)
Aunt Ruby's German Green (thesampleseedshop)
Australian Oxheart (victoryseeds)
Azoychka (tomatofest)
Barlow Jap (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Beauty King (Fiogga)
Berkeley Tie Dye Green (territorial seed co)
Berkeley Tie Dye Pink (Fiogga)
Better Boy F1 (park seeds)
Better Bush F1 (Early Determinate) (park seeds)
BHN-624 F1 Grape/Cherry (johnnyseeds) 
Big Beef F1 (park seeds)
Big Ben No.1 (tatiana'stomatoes)
Big Brandy F1 (park seeds)
Big Bunch F1 (park seeds)
Big Cheef (secret seed cartel)
Big Rainbow (tatiana'stomatoes)
BKX (bunnyhopseeds)
Black from Tula (reimers)
Black Krim (rare seeds)
Black Mountain Pink (amishlandseeds)
Black Sea Man (reimers)
Blue Ridge Black (tatiana'stomatoes)
Boxcar Willie (totallytomatoes)
Brad's Black Heart (bunnyhopseeds)
Brandy Boy F1 (burpee)                         
Brandywine Pink (reimers)
Brandywine (Croatian) (Fiogga)
Brandywine (Cowlick)(Tatianastomatoes)
Brandywine Red (victory seeds)
Brandywine (Sudduth's) (seed saver's exchange)
Brandywine Yellow (reimers)
Brandywine Yellow (platfoot)(tatiana'stomatoes)
Buck's County Hybrid (burpee)
Bulgarian Old Sort  (HeritageSeeds)
Butler Skinner (amishlandseeds)
Captain Lucky (Fiogga)
Carbon (tomatogrowersupply)
Casady's Folly (Fiogga)
Casey's Pure Yellow (Fiogga)
Caspian Pink (victory seeds)
Chapman (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Cherry Roma (totallytomatoes)
Cherokee Chocolate (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Cherokee Green (thesampleseedshop)
Cherokee Purple (reimers)
Chocolate Stripes (Fiogga)
Claude Brown’s Yellow Giant (Bill Best)
Copper River (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Cosmic Eclipse (rareseeds) 
Cosmonaut Volkov (rare seeds)
Costoluto Genovese (thesampleseedshop)
Couilles de Taureau (tomatofest)
Crnkovic Yugoslavian (seed saver's exchange)
Cuor Di Bue(delectationof tomatoes,etc)
Cuore de Boeuf de Nice (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Cuore De Toro  (delectationof tomatoes,etc)
Dancing with Smurfs(Fiogga)
Daniel Burson (bunnyhop seeds)
Danko (Fiogga)
Dester (rareseeds)
Domingo (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Dr Lyle (delectationof tomatoes,etc)
Dr. Wyche's Yellow (tomatofest)
Druzba (tatiana'stomatoes)
Dwarf Purple Heart (tatiana'stomatoes)
Earl's Faux (tomatogrowersupply)
FFA Pineapple Mix (amishland seeds)
Fishlake Oxheart (Fiogga)
Five Star Grape F1 (johnnyseeeds)
Fred Limbaugh's Potato Top (tomatofest)
German Head (delectationoftomatoes,etc) 
German Hege (amishlandseeds)
German Johnson (white oak valley farms)
German Pink (rareseeds)
German Queen(tomatofest)
Giant Belgium (tatiana'stomatoes)
Giant Oxheart (reimers)
Gildo Pietroboni (Fiogga)
Gold Medal (greatfulseedsaver)
Grandfather Ashlock(tomatofest)
Grandma's Pick (territorial seed co)
Green Zebra (seedsaversexchange)
Hillbilly (territorial seed co)
Hoy (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Humph (thesampleseedshop)
Hungarian Heart (reimers) 
Indian Stripe (tomatogrowersupply)
Indigo Blue Beauty (territorial seed co)
Japanese Black Triefel (delectationof tomatoes,etc)
Jasper F1 Cherry  (park seeds) 
JD’s Special C-Tex (thesampleseedshop)
Jersey Devil (rare seeds)
Jurmala (Bunnyhop seeds)
KBX (Fiogga)
Kentucky Beefsteak (reimers)
Kosovo (tatiana'stomatoes)
Little Julia (tatiana'stomatoes)
Liz Birt (secret seed cartel)
Malakhitovaya Shkatulka (delectationof tomatoes,etc)
Marianna's Peace (tomatofest)
Marnero F1 (johnny's seeds)
Marvel Striped (Fiogga)
Matt's Wild Cherry (delectationof tomatoes,etc)
Michael's Portuguese Monster  (Bigzarro Strain) (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Milka's Red Bulgarian (casey'sheirloomtomatoes)
Mont de Maratz (tatiana'stomatoes)
Moon Glow (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Mortgage Lifter  (Estler's) (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Mortgage Lifter (Radiator Charley's) (territorial seed co)
Mountain Glory F1 (Early Determinate) (reimers)
Moya Juane (secret seed cartel)
Mule Team  (white oak valley farms)
Mystery Purple 2015
Mystery Yellow 2015
Neves Azorian Red (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Noire Charbonneuse (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Old Brooks (reimers)
Old German(tomatofest)
Omar's Lebanese (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Opalka (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Ozark Pink(tomatofest)
Park's Whopper CR Immproved (park seeds)
Paul Robeson (reimers)
Pierce's Pride (HeritageSeeds)
Pineapple (reimers)
Pink Girl (reimers)
Polish Linguisa (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Pork Chop (rareseeds)
Prudens Purple (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Prue (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Purple Bumble Bee (Fiogga)
Purple Calabash (thesampleseedshop)
Purple Dog Creek (amishlandseeds)
Purple Russian (heritageseeds)
Rebel Yell (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Red Barn (secret seed cartel)
Rutgers CS Space Select (territorial seed co)
San Marzano (reimers)
Shapka Monomakha  (HeritageSeeds)
Silver Fir Tree (seed saver's exchange)
Solar Flare (Fiogga)
Soldacki (seed saver's exchange)
Spudakee (delectationoftomatoes,etc)
Stump of the World (tatiana'stomatoes)
Sun Gold F1 (tatiana'stomatoes)
Sun Sugar Cherry F1 (totallytomatoes)
Super Choice (tomatofest)
Super Sioux (reimers)
Tarasenko 6 (tatiana'stomatoes)
Terhune (marriana'sheirloomseeds)
Tough Boy (totallytomatoes)
Tuxhorn's Red and Yellow (tatiana'stomatoes)
Van Wert Ohio (Bunnyhop seeds)
Velvet Red (seed saver's exchange)
Vera's Seed (Fiogga)
Vinson Watts (Tatianastomatoes)
Violet Noir (secret seed cartel)
Vorlon (rareseeds)
Wes (tatiana'stomatoes)
Willard Wynn (Bill Best)
Yellow Ruffled (marriana'sseeds)
Yoder's Yellow German (tomatofest)
Zarnitza (tomatofest)
I'm on tomatoville.  I'm doing dwarf strains, heirlooms, and cherry types.  I know for sure i'm growing the hippy zebras.  I'll post on here when i have my list.  If you want any seeds from my grow next year i will be saving them.  I was thinking we should do a tomato seed train next fall.
Noah Yates said:
Lets see those lists!!!
This season I am actually going to try to focus on tomatoes especially.  The past several growing seasons I have had poor luck with tomatoes... probably because I have not put much effort into them since I have become a chili head.  This Fall I have done a lot of research on varieties, and my obsession with collecting the best genetics has left me with 57 varieties of tomato to grow this season.   Hopefully with the research I am putting in and the acquisition of some drip line and proper stakes/cages/trellis I can grow some nice maters.
On a side note... is anyone here a member of tomatoville?  I am trying to register an account over there... but I have not been activated after 10 days, and I cannot get in touch with any moderators.... :tear:
Well here is my literally mind-boggling, out-of-control tomato list for 2016:
Anna Russian (reimers)
Aunt Ruby's German Green (thesampleseedshop)
Berkeley Tie Dye Green (territorial seed co)
Berkeley Tie Dye Pink (territorial seed co)
Better Boy (park seeds)
Big Beef (park seeds)
Big Brandy (park seeds)
Big Bunch (park seeds)
Black from Tula (reimers)
Black Krim (rare seeds)
Black Sea Man (reimers)
Blue Ridge Black (tatiana'stomatoes)
Boxcar Willie (totallytomatoes)
Brandy Boy (burpee)                         
Brandywine Pink (reimers)
Brandywine (Cowlick)(Tatianastomatoes)
Branywine (Sadduth's) (seed saver's exchange)
Brandywine Yellow (reimers)
Buck's County Hybrid (burpee)
Carbon (tomatogrowerssupply)
Cherokee Green (thesampleseedshop)
Cherokee Purple (reimers)
Cosmonaut Volkov (rare seeds)
Costoluto Genovese (thesampleseedshop)
Earl Faux (tomatogrowerssupply)
German Johnson (white oak valley farms)
Giant Oxheart (reimers)
Grandma's Pick (territorial seed co)
Hillbilly (territorial seed co)
Humph (thesampleseedshop)
Hungarian Heart (reimers) 
Indian Stripe (tomatogrowerssupply)
Jasper F1 Cherry  (park seeds) 
JD’s Special C-Tex (thesampleseedshop)
Jersey Devil (rare seeds)
Kentucky Beefsteak (reimers)
Marnero F1 (johnny's seeds)
Mortgage Lifter (territorial seed co)
Mountain Glory (Early Determinate) (reimers) 
Mule Team  (white oak valley farms)
Old Brooks (reimers)
Park's Whopper CR Immproved (park seeds)
Paul Robeson (reimers)
Purple Calabash (thesampleseedshop)
Purple Dog Creek (amishlandseeds)
Pineapple (reimers)
Pink Girl (reimers)
Rutgers CS Space Select (territorial seed co)
San Marzano (reimers)
Stump of the World (tatiana'stomatoes)
Sun Gold F1 (tatiana'stomatoes)
Sun Sugar Cherry (totallytomatoes)
Super Sioux (reimers)
Vinson watts (Tatianastomatoes)
Willamette VF (Early Determinate) (territorial seed co)
Tomatoes from saved seed:
Purple15P1 (probably cherokee purple)
Yellow15P1 (probably pineapple)
wow how many acres do you live on ?
Haven't decided on my full list for next year yet, I'll be doing that over the next couple of months. I do know I will be growing some of my favorites - Cherokee, black brandywine, green zebra (for pickling), black krim, and black cherry.

Quite the list you have there Noah, impressive.
SavinaRed said:
wow how many acres do you live on ?
I live on 7 acres, my grandparents have 16 acres, and my mom has 8 acres... its plenty of space.. but it will be a beast of a job dealing with all of them.  One thing is certain... I am going to need drip line next season to make this at all feasible.
Also... to make things less mind boggling for myself I have decided to grow different subset lists at different locations... for example, I am growing all of the heirloom brandywines, chocolates, and pinks at my home garden, which is the most well-amended, fertile garden plot... but also the smallest.... All of the hybrids and "consistently high producing, resistent, commercial" heirloom varieties will be grown out in the creek bottom lands at my grandparents' property, which has the most space, but the least well-amended soil and the most rugged (critter saturated) garden plot.
Im planning on growing 2 plants each of 4 varieties all from Heirloom:
A Grappoli D'Inverno Tomato
Chadwick Cherry Tomato
San Marzano Lungo No. 2 Tomato
Blue Berries Tomato
Im not much of a slicing tomato kind of person.  Would rather have cherry/grape type for cutting in half and throwing in olive oil/garlic/basil and some pasta.  Or eating with some cheese.  And the San Marzano's just for sauce obviously.  Hoping to figure out a decent base sauce I can use for both pasta AND pizza.
I only grow one kind of tomato.  It is a Hungarian Ox heart that has been in my family for more than 100 years.  Came from Hungary with my great grandfather in 1925.  The family has been growing them ever since.  It is not uncommon to have 2 pound tomatoes with each plant producing 20-30 tomatoes a season.  Average size is just over one pound.
The_DoGMaN said:
I only grow one kind of tomato.  It is a Hungarian Ox heart that has been in my family for more than 100 years.  Came from Hungary with my great grandfather in 1925.  The family has been growing them ever since.  It is not uncommon to have 2 pound tomatoes with each plant producing 20-30 tomatoes a season.  Average size is just over one pound.
Awesome!! I wonder whether my Hungarian heart or giant oxheart could be cousins of your heritage variety.... I am hoping for some 2 pounders next season!
Heirlooms only in 2016 - as of now. I'm also a member of Tville, which has the best info on growing tomatoes, imho.

Re-Edit with new seeds - Carbon, Cowlick's Brandywine, Cuostralee, Dana's German Johnson Benton Strain, Daniel Burson, Dester, Margaret Curtain, Red Barn, Roma, Girl Girl's Weird Thing, Chocolate Stripes, Fleur de Reagir, Tami Grape, SunGold, Russian Soul, Orange Strawberry, Polish Linguisa, Brown's Giant Yellow, Indigo Cherry Drops, Ananas Noir, Super Italian Paste
As I shovel hundreds (if not thousands of unused and green tomatoes) from my dead 7 backyard plants, I need to cut back. They are always a successful mess, and I just don't seem to have time to process/can/use them.
The only one I know for sure is - Juliet - my new staple. It's a small roma-type that pumps out like crazy, and is very versatile.
I agree with hotoddy about Juliet. If you don't mind a hybrid, it's a great little tomato, and very productive. First to produce fruit in my garden, and last to bear fruit after all my good heirlooms have given up. The skins are a little on the thick side, but that helps the ripe fruit last longer.
Noah Yates said:
Awesome!! I wonder whether my Hungarian heart or giant oxheart could be cousins of your heritage variety.... I am hoping for some 2 pounders next season!
If they are cousins, they should look something like this
Wow that's some list Noah.  Good luck next year.  My list will be small, probably around 7 tomato plants.  I haven't had much luck with the beefsteaks lately, so
I'll probably grow 3 or 4.  The cherry tomatoes I have much better luck with.  On the list so far for hybrids is Sungold, Sweet Million and Sweet Quartz.
Not really growing any eating tomatoes, but am growing tomatoes nonetheless. All are Big Zac variety.

They are this year's exhibition tomatoes.

4.79lbs Terry(BZ)
4.88lbs Domke(BZ)
5lbs Domke(BZ)

I will probably add a few eating toms, I have quite a few seeds.

Very impressive list Noah! I really look forward to the pictures!
going with my Goliaths , beefsteaks , sweet 100's , and some new ones sent to me from my good friend alavero . their from a small village , suppose to be tasty big, and juicy . and not spread around the states .  can't remember what he called them . maybe he'll chime in .  thanks my friend!      :onfire:
I'm growing Persuasion, Tiren f1, German Lunchbox and a volunteer. Right now I'm finishing up a raised bed to plant them in. I have a Roma going on a pot so I get toms in Jan/Feb for making pizza sauce.

The volunteer survived the summer (!!!!!!!) and has set a few. It grew in mostly unamended soil next to a hot block wall and didn't die. I have no idea what it is but I'm going to save the seeds and keep growing it because it is very hardy and has survived some extreme heat, flooded clay soil and is unpalatable to white flies and aphids. Hope it tastes good!

That's awesome about the family heirloom tomatoes. Love hearing that families do that, it must be a nice familiar taste that you associate with some good memories.