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what would you do to prepare for a hot pepper challenge?

I'm just curious, what would you do to prepare for a hot pepper challenge? We have something coming up on Monday, that I want to prepare for it. To make things as easy as possible, do you come with a fairly full stomach? Would you want mostly dairy products in your stomach already, or something else? Anything that would coat your throat? Any insight would be appreciated that might give me an advantage. I guess there isn't much that can be done to make Butch Ts any easier to put down, is there?
Nothing, I'd just show up and eat.
If youÂ’re talking about eating multiple fresh Superhots (Scorpions, 7Â’s, BhutÂ’s).... yes, you better eat VERY well before and after you go. I like mashed potatos, bread, etc. If it is just jalapenos or store bought habaneros, yea you could probably just show up and be OK.

I really hope you are not planning on eating 2, 3 or 10 fresh whole Butch T's for a contest..... getting them down is not the problem.. But the stomach pain and discomfort you will have after they are swallowed could easily send you to the hospital.
Ditto what Beaglestorm said. I was somewhat prepared for the heat of the Bhut Jolokia before I tried it, because I had been eating some of the hottest sauces, and worked my way up the pepper ladder as well. But no matter how stoic you are to the heat in your mouth and throat, the stomach pain later can be hard to avoid if you go crazy with it.

I'd say eat lots of bread and Tums beforehand. There's actually an article referencing Penn State Medical Center literature that basically says the same thing: http://www.ehow.com/how-does_5162351_do-spicy-foods-cause-diarrhea.html

I do what Born2BurnShow does. There's magic in those bananas.

Also, don't forget the Preparation H in your preparation for after the hot pepper challenge.
Thanks for the responses guys. First of all, I'm not going to do anything stupid. The best I have ever seen any of these guys do is about a third of a Bhut Jolokia pod at one time. Those however seem to be pretty hot, within the first 30 seconds, and what you guys have been talking about, it sounds like you can eat too much scorpion pepper before you find out what you have done. It sounds like it takes about 5 minutes or so to find out how hot these are. Maybe, for safety sakes, people should try a fraction of one pod and then wait a certain amount of time before the next phase for trying more. For me, I'm more interested in finding out what the scorpion tastes like because this will be my fist time. Sure, its hot, but I may not like the taste at all. I got into growing the bhuts because I like the rich, red taste of the pepper, yet alone the heat. I may end up growing the Butch Ts just to extract the seeds to sell and to make plants available to people. We will just have to see. Maybe I'll have to be like Elvis and make me a couple of peanut butter and nanner sandwiches before I go. :)
Maybe I'll have to be like Elvis and make me a couple of peanut butter and nanner sandwiches before I go.
Great idea, and a Tums shortly beforehand would probably help like FireAlchemy pointed out.
Yep, I recently discovered the whole bananas thing and was SO amazed at how much they help with preventing stomach discomfort. Eat a few bannanas the day before and a few a hour or two before actually eating the peppers. Nothings going to help that initial mouth burn, but stomach pain is by far the worst and bananas remedy it.
Best bet is to increase your tolerance just before the event, considering the effects on your @$$ and stomach,

EAT A BT SCORP FRESH SEEDS AND ALL THREE DAYS BEFORE THE COMPETITION. Make sure you do not drink or eat anything within 20 minutes before or after, and just put up with that pain.

Otherwise, just turn up and be confident, concentrate when you get to the hotter ones...

Have fun!
Nothing Mate , just pray...you know your gonna burn anyhows......just take in on the chin..errr in the mouth :cool:

X2. I always go raw. No prep to speak of except maybe eat something first so I don't have a completely empty stomach.

What is the science behind eating bananas before hand? This is news to me.
I want to thank you guys a lot! I hung with the best of them and had no problems. I ate a couple of bananas before I went over to Chilis and brought another banana with me. I had the bartender (who also ate peppers)make me a banana milkshake to have while I sat there, and I was more than good. My stomach was in no pain, and really, I was a bit disappointed on the amount of burn the next morning. I don't know if bananas work for that too, but it really seems like they did.
I must admit, this was a first time for me. I usually make a powder out of my peppers and sprinkle that on foods, or use it for cooking. Every once in a while, I'll cut up some for food, but that is about it. This was the first time I ate a decent amount of just raw peppers all by themselves, and now I get the thrill. Sure they were hot, and they burned, but in a minute, to a few minutes, what a rush! Its almost like a drug and you don't feel totally like crap the next day. I found myself wanting to eat some more about a half hour later, and then more even later.
I cut up some Bhut Jolokia and some Butch Ts in variously sized pieces on a plate and many people tried them that were there, even those who knew nothing about what our small group was there for. Most people who tried them, loved them. One person ran off to the bathroom and lost it. A couple of guys who did not heed my warning of NOT to pick up the peppers with their fingers, went off to the bathroom without washing their hands first, and were complaining for the next couple of hours because of burning where they did not want anything to burn. I did get to tell them I told you so, many times, so a good time was had by all. I am also hooked on these hot peppers and know why you guys love them so much. The bananas worked wonders!