Whatever the F*** you do, don`t use this crap.

Plants were doing great and I was going to send a few to other folks, so I thought I`d make sure there were no aphids along for the ride. Bought this organic stuff, tested it on a few older plants for a couple of days, tested it on a couple of newer plants for 12 hours. Ok, no damage, good to go. Applied it liberally, following the instructions to the letter, at night when it was 65 degrees.

Hey, I only sprayed it on just over 400 plants what could go wrong. Big `elfin mistake. Within 30 minutes serious signs of problems started to show. I sprayed the plants down with water to try and float the oils off and left them O/N. 
Damage after 30 minutes,

Damage after leaving O/N






Yikes!!! Sorry, Nigel. Nothing sucks as bad as chemical burn. Pyrethrin did that to me last year. Best of luck!
Oh wow…. so sorry to hear that happened to your plants. I hope the plants are able to pull through somehow - looks like the more established growth is relatively ok and I hope it remains that way. 
Ohh man..that same exact thing wiped out my corn...okra and my bell pepper last year :( i applied it pretty heavy...woke up next morning and everything was dead. hope yours can bounce back.
Holy crap on a cracker.

So sorry for you man. Wish you luck in recovery and will stay faaaaaar away from that stuff. I've used Fox Farms Don't Bug Me to good effect with no damage to plants, but last time I sprayed it was windy and flew in my eye. Very not recommended.
Holy shit.
I only hope most of your plants pull through... 
In the meantime, a polite but pointed letter, complete with gruesome photos, sent to the manufacturer of this crap seems in order.  At the least, you might get an apology.
Best of luck!
Geonerd said:
Holy shit.
I only hope most of your plants pull through... 
In the meantime, a polite but pointed letter, complete with gruesome photos, sent to the manufacturer of this crap seems in order.  At the least, you might get an apology.
Best of luck!
And a link to this post :P
Holy crap! Sorry to see that happen to you.

I like how the label says that it's "organic" and that it's safe for kids and pets. Given what it's done to your plants, I wouldn't use it anywhere near either. Not everything organic is good despite the way the word is thrown around in today's garden rings.
Nigel said:
Plants were doing great and I was going to send a few to other folks, so I thought I`d make sure there were no aphids along for the ride. Bought this organic stuff, tested it on a few older plants for a couple of days, tested it on a couple of newer plants for 12 hours. Ok, no damage, good to go. Applied it liberally, following the instructions to the letter, at night when it was 65 degrees.

Hey, I only sprayed it on just over 400 plants what could go wrong. Big `elfin mistake. Within 30 minutes serious signs of problems started to show. I sprayed the plants down with water to try and float the oils off and left them O/N. 
Damage after 30 minutes,

Damage after leaving O/N






WOW! Nasty
Is that picture on the front of the bottle a 'before' shot and when you turn it over it has a pic of their steaming skeletons on the back?
I hope this hasn't ruined your season too much Nigel
That sucks.  The aphids are probably gone, but I think they missed the point of healthy plants after the aphids have been eliminated!
That's really sad. Thanks for the heads up, though.
Didn't know this could happen, so I find your post very useful.
I had that with many formulae on my seedlings, homemade ones included.  I have aphids attack my tiny seedlings - in the house.  Once I plant them outside, they go away, I think the beneficial critters eat them and/or they don't like the high temps. I've seen wasps eating them, and there are lacewings and ladybird beetles galore.  Anyway, the tiny seedlings are vulnerable.  I use Pyola - from Gardens Alive.  I dip the plants in the mix when transplanting to larger containers at the 2 true-leaf stage.  Seems to do the trick, and no burned plants. It's a little pricey, but it goes a very long way for me, and does not seem to loose effectiveness in storage (I think my bottle is going on five years old).  I grow a few thousand plants each year.