Plants were doing great and I was going to send a few to other folks, so I thought I`d make sure there were no aphids along for the ride. Bought this organic stuff, tested it on a few older plants for a couple of days, tested it on a couple of newer plants for 12 hours. Ok, no damage, good to go. Applied it liberally, following the instructions to the letter, at night when it was 65 degrees.

Hey, I only sprayed it on just over 400 plants what could go wrong. Big `elfin mistake. Within 30 minutes serious signs of problems started to show. I sprayed the plants down with water to try and float the oils off and left them O/N.
Damage after 30 minutes,

Damage after leaving O/N

Hey, I only sprayed it on just over 400 plants what could go wrong. Big `elfin mistake. Within 30 minutes serious signs of problems started to show. I sprayed the plants down with water to try and float the oils off and left them O/N.
Damage after 30 minutes,

Damage after leaving O/N