What's a good every day pepper?

Not neccessarily hot, but something that can be eaten daily,or snacked on regularly?  I haven't had many types of peppers and I don't have much of a tolerance for the hot ones.  I like bells, I have had cayennes, which I like, habs which I hate and bhut jolokia which I like but either is way hotter than I want for daily eating. 
Also, what's a good pepper that could be introduced to children.  My 4 and 5 year old neices loves trying new stuff from the garden but anything with heat would be a nono. 
I've been so caught up in the hype of superhots I totallyneglected trying to find an everyday pepper for taste.  The superhots I grow will be dried and powdered, shared with friends.
Agree with pepperlover. I usually snack on Bishop crown´s. Some may be too hot for young children but kids usually like their shape.
Hole Mole' has only the tiniest bit of heat in the ribs, which are easily removed. 
The flesh is sweet like apple skins.  My kids love them! 
PepperLover said:
baccatums are my favorite fresh eating peppers i eat them on a daily base 
that's just a species right?  Mind tossing some variety names I can read up on? :)
Jalapeno all around. Kids can eat them.
Slice into rings and sprinkle salt on them for a snack. YUM!
Cook with pork and add to white or yellow rice. YUM!
Jalapenos, passila peppers, poblanos, anaheims, hot wax banana, sweet banana, numex hybrids, etc..
But yeah... jalapenos are my favorite...  I can never seem to grow enough of them. 
I love aji habanero - a baccatum. Very mild, and reminds me very much of oranges.
But as to heat level for kids - I let my kids try jalapenos by age 3. Let them sample a small bit, having milk and crackers available just in case, then let them decide if they want more or not. Some kids love heat, just as adults do!
I wanna try the Lemon Drop does anyone have any for sale?.....Ive tried Aji Lemon and Amarillo 

i like white bullet habs and roxas....7 pot whites are good along with peruvian habs and as said above Starfish are nice but no heat to them
 Aji lemons. I eat several every day. Well i did. Need to start another plant.  Now I am eating Birgit Locoto's everyday. Another great pepper. With a fresh super on the side. Judy is spot on with the Baccs!
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Mmmmmmm Lemon Drops!
starfish or Orchid 
dry and fresh is YUMMY
Nightshade said:
Yup those brazilian starfish are my favorite like candy
very sweet and aromatic even when they are still green 
canis said:
Agree with pepperlover. I usually snack on Bishop crown´s. Some may be too hot for young children but kids usually like their shape.
i have dried some this season and i LOVE eating them like popcorn 
Homegrown Jalapenos, homegrown Serranos, Aji Crystal, Aji "Lemon Drop", Aji Omnicolor, Just about any Indian, Thai, or Japanese, etc. C. annuum. These make great "everyday" peppers because they are reasonably prolific and can be used both ripe or unripe (generally), and are versatile in recipes.
KingChile said:
Birgit Locotos how do those taste and hows the heat on them?
 They are a very mild pepper. Less than the average jalapeno. Taste is great. Almost sweet, nice cayenne like flavorbut  much easier to chew, very thin walled and much juicier. 
I find every pepper that tastes good whether mild superhot or any other its just quantity. I personally really enjoy Pequin good heat great taste and so small you can add as little as you want they also dry easily.