Whats everyone growing this Year?

imaguitargod said:
And it's much cheaper than ordering online... :)

I just counted my garden and I have...
:: drum roll please ::
173(!) Pepper plants. It's going to be a big harvest this year...

Yup, those Nagas were not cheap, but they will be well worth it. Within about 30 min of getting them I had 4 seeds soaking, 4 planted in soil and 4 off to my mom so she could try to germinate them. My garage sits about 90 degees during the day, 83 at night, so they should grow as quickly as they will. Then if I get a few of them I will give them to my friends so that not all the eggs are in the same basket so to speak. I can't wait, this should be fun.

173 pepper plants? Wow I thought my 123 were a lot. (but not the end of my playing) Glad to hear that I can prove to my wife that I am kinda normal.
the first day of Spring being 1st September - let's see how many times the list changes between now and then :clap:

4 Naga Morich
2 Golden Habs
8 Red Cayenne
3 Big Jim
4 Yellow Fatalii
4 Yellow Fire (hab)
2 Paper Lantern
4 Bhut Jolokia (I know potentially this is the same as the Naga however I got the seeds from different sources and that is what the suppliers called them - looks like a chile comparo is gonna happen!)

all up I plan to grow around 31 or so plants with at least 6 (maybe 8) being Cayennes. being that I grow in pots I have to plan it with military precision.

I have some other seeds but they may have to wait for the following season:

Yellow Burkina
Peach Hab
Scutaba Hab
Rebetona Hab
Caribbean Antillais
Red Scotch

as you can see I'm only interested in chiles that have two words in their name :sick: I'd like to grow some tomatoes too but that means less chiles - I can buy toms, I can't buy Nagas or Paper Lanterns etc at the supermarket :onfire: