To help prevent Bacterial and Viral problems, at transplant time add 2 tablespoons of Sulfur into the hole. Mix well so it gets into the root zone.
Also, spray your plants every two weeks with a sulfur spray of 1 tbs. sulfur mixed in a spray bottle with water. This also gives your plants a nutritional shot-in-the-arm.
I see your Pepper was in a pot so get rid of the soil and either a new pot or hit it with some scalding hot water.
Another possibility is that a pest problem started the issue and weakened the plant leaving it more succeptible to an infection.
There weren't that many dead leaves in the pot take action against Deer...even a Tomato Hornworm has been know to jump over to a Pepper Plant..and man can they devour a plant overnight.
Good Luck this year adn Fiery Regards.
ThanksI'd either toss the plants and start fresh or try a drench of peroxide(diluted properly with water) to treat the roots and kill off nasties
its almost two weeks now.. the one that i did not repot does not any changes the stems are still green and not shoots.You may want to isolate these plants away from the new ones
my plant really has to struggle to live. aphids was found under the leaves yeaterday ... i got crazy with the malathion. its all dead now. why can't white flys and aphids (and its agents the ants ) leave my plant alone.don't worry, those leaves are gonna branch out eventually. peppers are quite tough and, well.... hardheaded =D
i even have a plant that's got like 4 leaves and really wants to flower and i pull out the buds so it grows more leaves. crazy freakin' thing.
shoots turn to leave....
but the tips at the top of the plant is drying up.
so franz do you buy the mixture or do you make it yourself ?i've completely stopped spraying any sort of chemical pesticide on my plants now. whenever i do, the pests just tend to come back a whole lot worse. now i stick with organic solutions. i use this concoction that a local organic farming guru out here endorses (Gil Carandang). it's made with neem oil, chili peppers, seaweed and other stuff. and it's been working wonderfully for me. there are a lot less pests, invite beneficial insects and help me worry a lot less. =D
so franz do you buy the mixture or do you make it yourself ?
Malathion is nasty stuff. Personally I'd avoid using any toxic pesticicdes on anything you're going to eat or on anything which bees and other beneficial insects/frogs/fish are exposed to. Where I live these chemicals are prohibited.
i would do that when it has stop drying.i suggest you cut off the drying part.
every seven days!! hmm i will get in trouble with my wife.. hehehe she hates the smell. AjarnV , i do use malathion..only after trying all the organic remedies . see post #30 i mentioned it...I've got the same problem. Get some Malathion (insecticide) and spray; as in soak the plants and spay under any remaining leaves. Do this in the evening or early morning every seven days.
I know it's aphids and white flies and possibly a spider mite. I'm having some luck with this. Malathion is sold in Asia as Malathion, so just ask for it by name.
With the plants stressed be careful not to over-water as somebody suggested. Cheers.
Malathion is nasty stuff. Personally I'd avoid using any toxic pesticicdes on anything you're going to eat or on anything which bees and other beneficial insects/frogs/fish are exposed to. Where I live these chemicals are prohibited.