lucky you... you got something that works for you... i have been using neem ..garlic etc. to keep aphids out but it does not work.i buy them =D
lucky you... you got something that works for you... i have been using neem ..garlic etc. to keep aphids out but it does not work.i buy them =D
Yes, it is nasty stuff; but in researching it, I found it's relatively low in toxicity to humans and other mammals. I'd used it in the states before.
A 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water is a good wash to get it off of the vegetables/pods.
Having tried many organic remedies that all failed; there was little choice, so I picked the least bad stuff for a most bad situation. Cheers.
The bees here ignore capsicum; they have mango flowers and papaya flowers to feast upon; my application is very limited.
do you know i found head lice medicated soap for humans with Malathion as its ingredient. i was of cause SHOCKED! to see that then i noticed it was from China.
Not surprised; in the states malathion is used to de-louse and to get severe flea infestation off of dogs and cats all in the proper dilution ratio. Cheers.
lucky you... you got something that works for you... i have been using neem ..garlic etc. to keep aphids out but it does not work.
it doesn't really kill them or stop them from coming back, but they have been less. i guess i could be called lucky. i still think there's still a lot of things we lack for our gardening needs.
so malathion is available in the states.. is it a control item.. ?
thanks for the infoIt may be now, but not 8 or 9 years ago. I've been here for the last 8 years so not sure. Cheers.