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whats happening to my plant ?

Thats what I've done too. Cut away the excess so it can stretch out & start new growth. Works for me.

Wondering if its some kind of blight because the soil must be good as srin2 seems to know a thing or two about nutrients/ferts?
this is the second time its happening to this plant. last was nov 2010. coincide with repotting time.

How often are you watering? Over watering can cause leaves to go yellow and drop aswell as new growth to curl up.
well i don't think i overwater the plants as everyday it dries up but this trigger happened during our raining season. usually i check if the water drains out after watering. if there is no water coming out then there could be accumulation of water in the pot. i repotted it becos there were roots coming out from the bottom holes.

i say just give it some time and water it when needed. =D

it'll survive.
it might survive but this thing happens during its flowering time!! arrr so i have not enjoyed its pods yet. there are a few pods there. :( (this is a hab /birds eye cross.) it was suppose to be like my avatar but now its sky pointing hab and smaller.