It might not be exactly this, a picture of a whole plant would help, with as neutral white balance as possible, but this seems to me either as a fertilizer burn, or sunburn.
It does look like sun burn to me to.
hello slash dude, it may be a bacterial of some sort if you can increase your air circulation and how many atmospheric volume changes you may be able to lower the humidity and give less chance for bacterial growths good growing (and it does look like sunscald, just do not think led would give in just one small area as shown) edit: please try to chop off the possibly infected leaf and remove from area
Could be a burn caused by water on the leaf magnifying the intensity of the light. If it isn't spreading I wouldn't worry too much about it.
Minor edema is just edema, except only a little bit. Once those blisters pop they leave behind damaged cells (as I understand it) which eventually leads to translucent areas and then spots that look similar to those white ones there, which are devoid of any color or health cells. From what I understand it sounds like it manifests itself in different ways, but always because of an imbalance between water uptake in the roots and transpiration in the leaves. Often times for us the cause is overwatering because we love our plants too much, but it can also be caused by lack of airflow, which causes the leaves to not evaporate the water quick enough.rabid48 how can a lack of airflow cause spots on a single leaf like that? Also what is minor edema? I thought edema was the raised spots on the underside of a leaf caused by excess water. Is it possible for those to turn into white spots on the top of the leaf? Thanks.
Minor edema is just edema, except only a little bit. Once those blisters pop they leave behind damaged cells (as I understand it) which eventually leads to translucent areas and then spots that look similar to those white ones there, which are devoid of any color or health cells. From what I understand it sounds like it manifests itself in different ways, but always because of an imbalance between water uptake in the roots and transpiration in the leaves. Often times for us the cause is overwatering because we love our plants too much, but it can also be caused by lack of airflow, which causes the leaves to not evaporate the water quick enough.
Actually the more I'm reading about it now it sounds like I am wrong on the edema, but it could still be something related to a too muchwater/not enough air situation. I've seen something similar on my plants and that was my guess as to what happened here (based off of the conditions presented).
I dunno how that works with a hydro system like slashroot's here, especially the overwatering part (I have absolutely NO hydroponics experience), but it seems like there could be a section of stagnant air there that leaf is in the picture. I originally thought that it was actually wedged between two pots, but now I see it's not.
Don't take everything I say for fact, either. I'm new to all of this as well. Maybe I don't understand the edema part quite right, but I can't think of any better cause for the spots other than the water acting like a magnifying glass like you said. Who knows. Hope it works out slash! 69. Allllllrightt....