heat What's the hottest thing you're growing this year?

Bicycle808 said:
I bought a Figaro plant from ccn on impulse last year, while picking up my order of the plants I actually had planned to grow. Yeah, it's just a Bell, but a tasty one. Ripened red. All my pods were on the small side for a Bell; not sure if that was just my plant, or if that's a Figaro thing. Either way, it was worth growing and its nice to have pods to give your Auntie who likes peppers but hates heat... But naw!! I ain't growing them again lol.
Thanks, yep Ill keep it and youre totally right. Have so,e friemds at work who want less heat haha.
Last year i grew no super. This one i grew Bleeding Jigsaw SLP. I kept two and got no bleedindg. I gave away some and all had bleeding. :rofl:
Terrible year, plants grew very well then as soon i planted out there were 2-3 weeks of cold and rain. Of those 2 plants one produced just a couple of pods... The other was ok. Heat wise a mid-low end super.
Next year i want to have some serious heat so from rfc i ordered those:
BTR Scorpion
Bhutlah Scorpion Chocolate
Those will be plenty of heat for sure!
Caroline Ghost Reaper
A market pepper imported from Holland.. Grows hotter for me than either of the Carolina Reapers I've grown, or anything else. Gave me religious experiences.  :hell: 
A bit off topic, i just dont want to open a new thread for this, but is there a ''list''of hot peppers everyone should grow atleast once?