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Whats the ridiculous number of sauces you have on hand?

So I have 13 sauces in my fridge. Theyre all mine but Cholula's, my three year old uses that. 
Aji cristal
Trini mustard
green limon and green Hab
green ghost w/ wine (so good)
Chocolate hab
moruga sissy sauce
Pure Moruga
Moruga honey
moruga habanero
Moruga Ghost 7pot
ghost and cayenne
Hab squared (crazy hab/jalapeno hybrid that crossed back with habs)
generally when we are using hot sauce we will have 3-5 bottles on the table.
I had over 120 hot sauces and spicy foods in the fridge one time.  Some were over 5 years old.  Yea, had to do some serious purging~~~~ :lol: 
right now I have the long shelf on the bottom of the door and 2 other half shelves full of hot sauces.  Down to about 35.
I have about 60 in reserve, waiting to be opened. 
About 15 in the fridge, and I usually try to keep it under 10. 
I found that too many opened sauces meant that the less popular ones where going bad in the fridge. 
So now I keep it around a dozen, with a steady rotation of newcomers as sauces get finished off. 
:lol: TopSmoke- my son tried that about a week ago, started chucking bottles in the garbage, I waited unitl he left the kitchen and started pulling them back out.  Just a couple though....the rest I did leave in the trash~
And we are talking about personal use.  I just took about 30 bottles of new sauces to our chilehead campout, so the pantry stash is a little depleted, down to about a dozen.
Not to worry though.....THe FB chileheads group (which has a LOT of saucemakers in it) organizes a BlackFriday/CyberMonday special.  Everyone puts up some pretty good sales, so I usually buy from 2 or 3 companies I haven't tried before.  That usually nets us 20-30 more sauces.
I send packages to military people stationed overseas and often include some of the other sauces in addition to my own.   
Naw, it's the same thing a number of other people do~

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