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We (the Kid and I) didn't like the brown douglah, and I also don't care for red scorpions.  Or green bell peppers. 
Totally subjective. I know a few guys who think Kim Kardashian has a great ass. I think it needs to be painted gray, and have runway lines on it.

Peppers are the same way. I've have good and bad of every variety. I had a habanero once that tasted like dirty feet. I always cut them open just to make sure they aren't nasty inside. It looked just fine. Clean white seeds, no mold. Nothing wrong visually. It just tasted like gym socks. Out it went. I've also had them taste fruity and deliciously sweet. Not fictional sweet, but sweet as if someone put powdered sugar in them.

I've had tasty douglahs, and douglah powders. I've also had bitter nasty ones. I've had great yellow 7s, and some downright rancid ones.

I think it all depends on seed lineage, and soil/growth regimen.
chile de onzo
cat yellow (makskasarga) Hungarian yellow cayenne type
Bulgarian carrot
did not like any of these
thanks your friend Joe
I've had a couple of cayenne varieties that had an unbearable bitterness when I incorporated into a sauce, but they tasted good fresh. When they stewed they had a terrible bitterness that presented as an aftertaste, killing the sauce.

I'm not wild about green bells, but I am baffled by those who say bell peppers have a bad aftertaste - to me they're just sweet. But I'm not crazy about 'em because they have zero sizzle and they're not fruity enough to be interesting.
Still have fairly limited experience, but for me the 3 peppers I dislike the most fresh would be-
1-Orange habanero
2-green bell 
3-douglah (though I have only eaten 1/2 of one fresh so far)
However, after either cooking or using for sauce or powder there is none that I've found I dislike using these methods. 
Redwood City seeds GIANT brown/Chocolate Hab.
When you look in your funk and wagnall at BITTER the definition is a pic of these LARGE brown hab pods.

Brain strains that I tasted,with the total lack of seed purity these days it could have been a brainX.
Either way it had no redeaming value.No taste,slightly worse than Butch T's in the battery acid dept..

Butch T,not all Butch T's I've grown and or tasted.
Probably due to lack of isolation-if it looked like it,it is...
Some of the recent Butch T's I've had tasted same as brain strains above,just a little less heat.

BUT I'm also convinced some of the smoked stuff going around can make a great pepper taste like what I'd imagine my dogs worm infested stool sample probably tasted like.
Just a guess...
A heavy Pomegranate or orange/citrus wood smoke has to up there in the turn good stuff into crap catagory.

Worse than a heavy Mesquite smoke.