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What's Up With my Seedlings?

My seeds sprouted two weeks ago and after quickly growing, they now still look like below. They are planted in rapid rooters and are covered and on a heating mat. Any ideas?
What lights are you using now?
What "K" are your lamps?
Put lights as close to the top of the plants as possible without burning them.
When it comes time to transplant them, you can "bury" them about half way up or more.
Look fine, ditch the dome, ditch the heat mat those are only needed for germination. Put a fan blowing over them so they strengthen their stems. Other than that just a lil leggy from not enough light. other than that they look healthy. Forewarning they will dry faster without the dome on so pay attention to that. 
personally i wouldnt bury them deeper untill the stems get far more substantial... like an eighth of an inch in diameter.
  if they wont stay upright, cut some of those shiskabob stakes in half and hold them up with small zip ties kept loose.
Hell yeah bro, get them under that hps. I have my 250 MH 5 inches from my canopy and they don't burn with my fan blowing on them. With your 400 you will need to keep it farther though.
No need to worry. I would use some stronger/more intense lighting because they look like they are reaching a bit. Also, put a fan on them to strengthen the stems but be careful because they'll dry out a bit quicker. When ready to transplant, bury the stem deeper.
Update: secondary leaves are now coming out after moving them under my 400w HPS. As soon as I move some other plants out, I will switch over to my 400w MH and put the seedlings in my DWC setup.
This should be posted in "Growing Hot Peppers"
Read what the forum is for before you post. Where you have posted says specifically this is not for growing.
if the lights are not putting out much heat, lower them as much as you can to keep the plants from getting leggy (reaching to the light source).
Does your rapid rooters come with any ferts? Mine doesn't so I use fert when I water. Make sure though it's highly diluted to avoid burning the seedlings.