overwintering Whats wrong with my over wintered Aji Limon


Hey Everyone
My OW aji limon is showing some new weird growth in the past week or two. Some of the new leaves are kind of clawed/gnarly looking compared to some of the older growth below. What is it and how do I cure it?
70+ of my plants have had that, after reading and searching and asking around found there are a few different things that cause the same symptom. Could be pests(esp. broadmites), virus, herbicide exposure or nutrient imbalance. I think I've narrowed mine down to nutrient imbalance. I've treated hard and heavy, top and bottoms of leaves with micronized wettable sulfur 3 times, just in case it's mites, but even with a 60x microscope couldn't determine if it was them or not. I trimmed all the affected leaves, and have been flushing my containers every few days and have on a drip system running 30 min/day. The new growth is starting to look normal. In my case I used some ferts that weren't idea, maybe released too much N too fast, from what I can deduce. Once I think it's flushed out, I'll add back in the ferts I used last year that worked (Osmocote). Hope that helps.
Ok I will maybe try flushing the soil once it drys out a bit as I just watered it. I have been using General Hydroponics Flora series at 1 Tsp each once every few weeks as the fertiiizer.
Too much N. I had the same problem, new growth looked identical as yours.
In my case I planted in 60%+ compost, 40% native soil, then fertilized with tomato tone, fish emulsion, ect... a few weeks apart.
Less fertilizer is more; I'm a slow learner!