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Whats you favourite Sweet Peppers

its good that you said nice things about that lady(is she gonna h8 me calling here a lady..)Omri she may bite back at you..no offense made me smile:lol:
Lady? Thank you Talas. Anyway English gents don't flirt us ladies do it for them.

Oh right, yes, topic... sweet peppers. Does anyone know what Medusa tastes like? As that's sweet/mild and I'm growing it for some unknown reason.

* A lady, just, well, what can I say.... WOW! *
rainbowberry said:
Lady? Thank you Talas. Anyway English gents don't flirt us ladies do it for them.

Oh right, yes, topic... sweet peppers. Does anyone know what Medusa tastes like? As that's sweet/mild and I'm growing it for some unknown reason.

* A lady, just, well, what can I say.... WOW! *
You are a lady, just a very spicy one and that's how I like my women (and food :lol:). ;)
whocares said:
Oh my, if that isn't flirting I wonder what is it ! :P;)

hes a professional ;) better get back to sweet peppers..its looking like a dating agency column..potawie is the taste like like a large orange bell?
Oh yea, right... sweet peppers. :lol:
Hmm... you guys (and gals) should try the Sweet Bite! should be massively available for you European people. :)
A nice pic off Google of Sweet Bite (just so you would know what you're looking for):

Now here's a pic I took a while back for perspective (the orange one... obviously):
talas said:
anybody tried Pimento De Padron ? no there sweet but have been told they can be hot sometimes..and iam growing some:think:

btw, I have a lot of seeds of Pimiento de Padrón, if anyone wants to try :)