what's you're plan for 2008?

chilehunter said:
I'll take a guess :think: because you like & eat alot of fish :)
heard they're supposed to be good with fish, hence the name :lol:
& when you say a field, what do you mean by that ? hundred's of plants ?
I'm starting with a single tray (135 plants) and we'll see how it's going. seriously thinking of a lot more.
Maybe I'll sell them at the market. :lol:
Thanks Chilihunter, I just hope I can keep them all alive. The weather here is a little on the cold side but it seems to be over 60 at night. I seem to be having better success with leaving the peppers inside for a couple extra weeks. It's still a learning experience for me. I will have to compare the list I posted to what I have in another month or two.
Even though summer is almost here and most of the plants have been outside for at least 10 days, my plan this summer is to learn more about cloning and growing indoors.

Agree with you Mike...I have taken 2 cuttings from my nagas and they are not dead yet...potted them in 6" pots...growing thru the winter is going to be so good (hopefully)...

If I can get this new (to me) science down pat, I won't have to worry about cross pollination, sprouting seeds, etc. I can see me waiting until this summer to see which plants turn out the strongest, taking cuttings from them and starting a new plant. Once it gets big enough to "top" - cut the heart out so it will sprout new branches, do that. And keep doing it until I have 24-48 plants of each variety, in 4, 5 and 6 inch pots. I figure a jalapeno, hab, and Hungarian Hot wax, along with three super hots. That would be 288 plants. Add in six tomatoes and three cukes (24 ea), and I have 500 plants I can sell. Throw in another 25 knockout rose bushes (they are huge favs here) and it would easily fund setting up a huge grow room, maybe even a huge and smaller one.

Just because this is a hobby doesn't preclude it paying its own way!
