what's you're plan for 2008?

What an interesting thread!

I am growing the following this year:

Lemon Drop
White Hab.
Golden Hab.
Bolivian rainbow
Chinese Five Colour
Pusa Jwala
bangalore torpedo
Scotch bonnet red

Also Bulgarian carrot (not having much luck with these seedlings, they keep wilting as do my lemon Drop...could my Spanish climate be too hot for them?)

I planted all the seeds at the same time and the Sizzlers seem to be doing the best.

Hi Tori

Are you having a hot spring this year in Spain?
Over here it's been pretty awful ! My plants are standing frozen to the spot :( I think that too hot for the majority of hot peppers doesn't exist ;) except if you live in Saudi Arabia or the Emirates ! :lol::lol:
whocares said:
Are you having a hot spring this year in Spain?
Over here it's been pretty awful ! My plants are standing frozen to the spot :( I think that too hot for the majority of hot peppers doesn't exist ;) except if you live in Saudi Arabia or the Emirates ! :lol::lol:
It can easily get too hot here, just depends on the location.
The thing is it's not just the overall temperature, but direct sunlight can actually burn you and your plants. so even if it's 40c in the shade, as long as they don't get direct sunlight, they're ok.
It's only a short part of the year, not year-round.
Eheh omri, if I ever get 40ºC over here this year I wouldn't mind to loose 10 plants ! It's been sooooooooooooo cooooooooooooldddd ! Brrrrrr !!! :(
whocares said:
Are you having a hot spring this year in Spain?
Over here it's been pretty awful ! My plants are standing frozen to the spot :( I think that too hot for the majority of hot peppers doesn't exist ;) except if you live in Saudi Arabia or the Emirates ! :lol::lol:

Hi Whocares (member)
Its been a pretty mixed up spring! At the start of May everyone was panicing (as they do every year) that the temperature was rising and that we had not had our expected rains, over the past fortnight we have had some fierce thunderstorms bringing with them plenty of rain. One night alone my rain-catcher in the garden measured 40cms of rainfall which is a lot for us.

I have planted a mixture of seeds this year, my best performer by far seems to be the SIZZLER and HUNGARIAN WAX which have withstood the changable weather (wet and chilly one minute, hot and sunny the next)
I planted LEMON DROP, WHITE HAB,and BULGARIAN CARROT and they have not done so well, have wilted in the heat and not liked the rain either. My seeds were all coming up well but the rains have stopped the remainder from germinating and the soil got mouldy

My plants have also been plagued with greenfly and whitefly at the moment which is a bit of a battle, I don't know if this is weather related.

What species of chilli do you find grows well in Portugal?

I heard there was a chilli farm in Portugal Have you ever been to see it.
Hi Tori. No, I've never heard of a chili farm here in Portugal. Do you have more information about it?
Here in Portugal I have only grown piri-piri and pimiento padron. This is the first year that I'm diversifying my culture :) Let's see what carries better. I'll keep you updated ;)
yes lemon drops/habs/bulgarian carrot can wilt quite quickly in midday sun so take them in..or even better as omri suggests but them in a shaded area for at least part of the day..had the same problem with my lemon drops and habs as you so tour not on your own :)

morning margarida...
whocares said:
Hi Tori. No, I've never heard of a chili farm here in Portugal. Do you have more information about it?
Here in Portugal I have only grown piri-piri and pimiento padron. This is the first year that I'm diversifying my culture :) Let's see what carries better. I'll keep you updated ;)

Hi, I saw the chilli farm on the internet. It is called SAFI Chilli farm. This is what they say:

''Safi Chilli Farm is based in Portugal, we also grow plants in Cornwall for easy delivery in the UK

If you wish to get in contact please use the information below.

email - chillifarm@safieurope.com

mailing list (be informed when our product range is updated) - chillimail@safieurope.com

Telephone - Portugal 00351 916850844''

Their website is www.chillifarm.safieurope.com
but I don't know where in Portugal they are based.

My lil list for a 1st timer

red hab 4
orange hab 4
choc hab 4
J scotch bonnet 2
red sarvina 2
naga`s 2
red,yellow and orange bell peppers 4 each
hot banana peppers 6
Hopefully next yr I will have found other varieties to add to the list.
my pics://www.fliker.com/photos/hixs0311/
Lil' update:
I'm growing a FIELD of fish peppers! don't ask me why! (it's not a secret, I simply don't know why :lol:).
Bhut Jalokia
7 Pot Trinidad
Trinidad Scorpion
Hanoi Red
Naga Morich
Chocolate Hab
Orange Hab
White Hab
Peach Hab
Gold Hab
Puriana (What the package said never heard of it tell then.)

I want to add some fatali's and trinidad perfumes to the mix as well. My wife and I like the looks of the perfumes and they are milder. Might be good on some things and she may actually eat those.:lol:
This is my first full year owning a home so I was able to get things set late last year for my growing this year. This is really my first year growing so many peppers. This is my current list:

Bulgarian Carrot (4)
Fatalli (2)
Carribean Red (1)
Florescent Purple (1)
Jalapeno (4)
Jalapeno M (1)
Island Hellfire (1)
Cobra (1)
Santa Fe Grande (3)
Crimson Torpedo (2)
Bhut Jolokia (6)
Naga Morrich (7)
Naga Jolokia (3)
Super Chili (4)
Cayanne Super II Hybrid (1)
Cayanne Long (2)
Cayanne Long Purple (1)
Piment D Espelette (4)
Pasilla Bajio (4)
Hungarian Wax (2)
Black Hungarian (4)
Romanian Hot (3)
Fish (6)
Datil (1)
De Arbol (1)
Atomic Starfish (3)
Paper Lantern (4)
Pumpkin Hab (Only 1 has survived)
Anaheim (1)
Peter Pepper Red (1)
Firecracker (2)
Charleston Hot (2)
Some mystery peppers from peppermania (4)
Poblano (3)
Chili de Comidia (4)
Cochiti (1)
Serrano (5)
Chilipeno Hybrid (1)
Crimson Hot (1)
Tobasco (3)
Some unknown pepper a friend gave me last year (2)

Russian Purple
Black Krim
Sweet 100
Cherokee Purple
Green Zebra

Other stuff:
Millionaire eggplant, some type of large eggplant
Different types of lettuce
String beans

Plus the usual herbs sweet basil, thai basil, mint, italian oregeno, rosemary, cilantro, etc...

Now I have plans to expand my garden by another 10' by 6' for next year. :P
westcoast - thats some list you have :cool:

Omri said:
Lil' update:
I'm growing a FIELD of fish peppers! don't ask me why! (it's not a secret, I simply don't know why

I'll take a guess :think: because you like & eat alot of fish :)
heard they're supposed to be good with fish, hence the name :lol:
& when you say a field, what do you mean by that ? hundred's of plants ?