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fertilizer When and how often to fertilize peppers in containers

Hi everyone,

I transplanted my pepper plants last weekend to new 5 gallon containers using Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Fox Farm Happy Frog potting soil in the containers. When will I need to fertilize these pepper plants in containers and how often? I know that FF has tons of nutrients so I do not want to burn my plants with fertilizer too soon. I did buy Neptune Harvest fish liquid fertilizer to use. Half of the pepper plants are starting to get flowers.
That's a great start size wise! I haven't grown with FF, but I would sure expect it to be a minimum of 6-8 weeks before they'd likely need anything and I'd wait perhaps 3-4 weeks to let them root in before I considered adding anything to see if a little push helped. FFD is know for being nute heavy and peppers don't need super strong nutes, especially when they're young. If you got a lot of rain it could leach the soil and accelerate the timeline, but if sacguy means you're in sactown that's probably not happening anytime soon.
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That's a great start size wise! I haven't grown with FF, but I would sure expect it to be a minimum of 6-8 weeks before they'd likely need anything and I'd wait perhaps 3-4 weeks to let them root in before I considered adding anything to see if a little push helped. FFD is know for being nute heavy and peppers don't need super strong nutes, especially when they're young. If you got a lot of rain it could leach the soil and accelerate the timeline, but if sacguy means you're in sactown that's probably not happening anytime soon.
thank you they were much smaller plants when I bought them recently and did the transplant.
Hi Sac.
From what I get off other sources, Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Fox Farm Happy Frog potting soil last about a month of plant feast and water leaching. Im guessing that also depends on how much you have used to fill you 5gal. After that, maybe add fertilizer once a month?

Instead of using fox farm to fill my 5gal, Im going to blend it with other soil. The stuff may be the bomb, but its also expensive, and possibly harmful. When you fill the entire bucket with it, you are probably going to lose most of its benefits without the plant ever knowing its there. Im going to try a non fertilized bottom base of soil as my thinking is that watering will leach down and carry most of the the nutrients with it. Eventually, you will have to add additional fertilizer through the top anyway.

I dont think you have to worry about more fertilizer for about 2months.
Hi Sac.
From what I get off other sources, Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Fox Farm Happy Frog potting soil last about a month of plant feast and water leaching. Im guessing that also depends on how much you have used to fill you 5gal. After that, maybe add fertilizer once a month?

Instead of using fox farm to fill my 5gal, Im going to blend it with other soil. The stuff may be the bomb, but its also expensive, and possibly harmful. When you fill the entire bucket with it, you are probably going to lose most of its benefits without the plant ever knowing its there. Im going to try a non fertilized bottom base of soil as my thinking is that watering will leach down and carry most of the the nutrients with it. Eventually, you will have to add additional fertilizer through the top anyway.

I dont think you have to worry about more fertilizer for about 2months.

Thank you, yeah I am good and will wait a month or so to fertilize the plants. I do have Neptune fish & seaweed liquid fertilizer and also general plant tomato fertlizer that is higher in nitrogen.
Hi everyone,

I transplanted my pepper plants last weekend to new 5 gallon containers using Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Fox Farm Happy Frog potting soil in the containers. When will I need to fertilize these pepper plants in containers and how often? I know that FF has tons of nutrients so I do not want to burn my plants with fertilizer too soon. I did buy Neptune Harvest fish liquid fertilizer to use. Half of the pepper plants are starting to get flowers.
I'm not growing anything this year but i have a trick to fertilize my plants. City, loaded with squirrels, and a gas line. I use 1 third worm castings to 2 3rd soil. Then I mix it together. Then every 2 weeks I water normal with one tablespoon of epsom salts thermally Natural growth hormones in the castings. Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate. The bacteria break it down into magnesium and sulfer. Magnesium helps a lot with chlorophyl. Huge plants and VERY thick and green Wish I had pics.