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seeds When do you finish planting chile seeds?

I'm surprised how many people(Northern hemisphere) still haven't started all their chinenses, so I thought I'd put the question out there again. When do you start (and finish) planting your seeds?
I start most of my chinenses and pubescens in January, most annuums in February, and tomatoes and others in March. My outdoor season is basically from mid June to early/mid October
I usually start the super hots in late Feb. The hots in early Mar. mild and toms. etc.,in late Mar.- early Apr. the weather here has been wet and cold, so I've been waiting for signs of warm up to start being serious about the gardening. Will start more seeds after this weekend, Douglah,choc.hab.,some jalaps. and the toms.season is from May-Oct. but I try to extend by covers over plants that are producing still.
To be honest, I start everything at the same time (though this year I started a little late :(), since that usually means that if I start an annuum or two at the same time as the longer season chinenses I will be able (fingers crossed) to get one extra harvest out of them before the season ends. Ideally this means I put all the seeds to 'ground' in Early January. Since I grow everything indoors, it gives me a slightly longer growing season.
I like to start everything around the same time usually in Late Jan or very early Feb However this year I was lazy and started towards the end of Feb and now I am regretting that because most of my seeds have not started yet :( im tempted to start a few just to see how they do but Im afraid if my pubes dont start soon they may miss the season I hope not at least they can stand cooler temps. My season is about like yours Potawie -
This is my first year growing from seeds, but my "schedule" was:

Chinenses went in Jan 31st
Everything else went in around the middle of February.
Tomatoes went in around the end of Feb.

There have been the odd straggler here and there, seeds that didn't germinate enough for me so I put a few more in, one late chinense that I got from a late lost bet/trade.

I did put one pubescens in early, that thing is a monster now, I'm probably going to have to pot up again, it's getting too big for a drinking cup.
I start chinense's now and finish with the annuums at the end iof march. 1st year I planted my nagas and savinas april 30th and still had a nice crop by september.
Aji Chombo said:
To be honest, I start everything at the same time (though this year I started a little late :(), since that usually means that if I start an annuum or two at the same time as the longer season chinenses I will be able (fingers crossed) to get one extra harvest out of them before the season ends. Ideally this means I put all the seeds to 'ground' in Early January. Since I grow everything indoors, it gives me a slightly longer growing season.

Exactly the same for me. Got 2 harvests from all Annuums and even from some Chinense (Limon) indoor. This year I started the season a little bit earlier at the end of last year. End of sowing season was today, as I put some Yellow Scorpion Cardi seeds in chamomile tea.
I usually get ALL of my pepper seeds started and finished in February (middle part) and from past experience, I've learned to wait until the middle of march to plant my tomatoes. Those suckers are a royal pain if you start them too early. :lol: So, to answer your question, I just finished planting the last of my seeds, tomatoes this past Sunday and all of the peppers have been done since mid Feb.
I started Chinenses the beginning of Jan. Annuums in Feb (beg - mid). Probably a bit early, but those suckers will be potted up twice into 1 gallons containers so they'll be well over 1 foot by plant out time. I finished a few seeds end of Feb so they'll be a bit behind the others.

It's a lot of space and time spent on potting up when you start that early, but to have pods forming in June will make it all worth it.

I don't know how people can pull of chinenses starting right now but with a bit of luck from the weather I guess it can be done.
I had three different plant dates for my peppers this year all in February like most. I did just plant some back-up Douglah I really wanted this year, I have some late "project" plants almost every year. Tomatoes are just breaking soil planted them March 11. All done planting any more seeds for this grow season. My season lasts from April 15 until first frost with a nice June-July and awesome fall harvests.
I would have figured your plant out date would be a little sooner there in Charleston. I generally plant out the bulk of my plants around April 15th as well up here in Greenville.

I started the bulk of my seeds January 16th and the faster growing varieties mid February and tomatoes the first week of March. I have pretty much everything planted except for a couple of varieties that I am hoping to get to try this year. The season lasts until early November generally so still plenty of time.

I hope everyone has a great year!
If you don't have a big greenhouse Potawie as you do, starting them all in January is not possible for large-scale growing. I sow anywhere from early December through late March. Wide enough range?
Welp...it' gonna be an interesting year for me it seems. I just planted all the seeds this weekend. It's my first year and just hoping to get some nice plants if possible. Good thing is that the growing season seems to last a bit later into the year since I live so close to the Pacific. Good luck everyone!
I started alot end of December and beginning of January, some I wish I would have waited to plant as they are getting quite big and I am running out of room. I need to learn the differences between chinese and annums LOL Most my tomatoes I started mid feb just to test the seeds, but could have waited another month as they are really starting to boom and by may they are going to be out of control. I thought about just growing them indoors in pots to see how they go, if I can keep the cat from eating them. Little bugger (well hes actually 18lbs) tried eating a pepper plant, but a spritz with the water bottle sent him running and he hasnt been back.
I plant in stages...every two weeks, that lets me stagger the transplanting...or so I thought, the annuums are ready to be transplanted in 2-3 weeks from seed and the chinense are 3-4 weeks so by trying to be smart about it, I laid 720 transplants at my feet that I had to do in 7 days.....and I am almost there again with the second wave...I got tomatos that are ready for transplant also but I am going to try and let them bet a little rootbound before transplanting....

Last of January - 8 trays chinense
mid February - 8 trays annuums
last february - 8 trays chinense
Mid February - 8 trays annuums
last of February - tomatos

I am still planting a few things and some more tomatos...
I planted my second set of seeds a few days ago and plan on planting the last set of chilis beginning of April. Mostly because I have to adapt to space and moving apartments. If I could choose entirely myself I would probably set last ones in March. Slow kinds in Jan/Feb and faster ones in Feb/March.


My second set is from seeds I have had sent to me. =)
My intent was to have all the Chinense seeds planted by the end of January, I started on the 5th this year.

I keep going through my seeds to send to other folks and end up coming across ones that either didn't do well the first round or for some unknown reason, (wanting to stay around 50 plants), I didn't plant in the first place. So with saying that I've got a few that I will hopefully get to today!
cmpman1974 said:
If you don't have a big greenhouse Potawie as you do, starting them all in January is not possible for large-scale growing. I sow anywhere from early December through late March. Wide enough range?

I've been growing like this long before I had a real greenhouse;) If I couldn't start so early, it wouldn't be worth it for me to grow chiles and I'd probably just end up growing more tomatoes instead
Wow, I really wish I knew what I was doing. I put various types of seeds in some Burpee cells last weekend and threw them under a fluorescent light. I've never done this before so I'm just hoping to get something. That will be a successful season for me :)