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media When to pot Jiffys

Hi all,

I was just wondering if any of you use any particular rule of thumb for deciding when to put your Jiffys in pots. Do you look for a certain number of leaves, a certain height, or a certain quantity of root filaments sticking out of the bottom and sides?

I figure there must be a "too early" and a too late", so I look forward to your opinions.


N.B. I use the 38mm Jiffs (1.5"), and I always pot on to 1 liter pots (10cm x 10cm x 12cm).
It's pretty much never too early IMO. The main reason for small starter pots is to get as many of the things into a germination area as you can. After that, how much space you have that's resonably warm and well lit is the deciding factor. The more roots poke through the more likely it is they'll get damaged.
Look at the roots. You don't want to disrupt the roots of a small pepper seedling any more than absolutely necessary. Plant up before the roots start sticking out all over the place.
Ya, 2-3 sets of leaves or roots poking out of the bottom of the tray is generally my rule of thumb....or whenever I feel like potting up I do it too :lol:
Ok, thanks all for your input.

My conclusion is that I've been waiting too long in the past. Right now the first true leaf pairs are just barely appearing, but I have about 5-8 rootlets poking out all over the place on each pellet already, so tomorrow I'm getting busy.

In the past I waited till I saw at least 3 pairs of real leaves, but for me that usually meant the Jiffy was just sitting on top of a mess of roots already. Then when potted over they would just sit there for 2 or 3 weeks before deciding on continuing their growth.
peppaboy said:
Then when potted over they would just sit there for 2 or 3 weeks before deciding on continuing their growth.
I've had that happen alot, it's kinda like transplant shock/confussion. Also, they could be focusing on root growth during those weeks.
ddrsheden said:
I pot them up after seeing the second set of leaves. PLUS....make sure you tear the netting off!!!

Yes, do remember to tear the netting off. Or, if there are already too many rootlets poking through, split it in several places.

I noticed I'm going to need to pot up some tomatoes this weekend. And that if winter doesn't let go soon, I'm going to be in big trouble.
Pam said:
Yes, do remember to tear the netting off. Or, if there are already too many rootlets poking through, split it in several places.

I noticed I'm going to need to pot up some tomatoes this weekend. And that if winter doesn't let go soon, I'm going to be in big trouble.

Wanna borrow my 400 watt m.h.:?: