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Where can I get a case of bottles in Canada?

I've been looking at a bunch of sites that are US based, which means that I would have to pay crazy shipping fees. Is there a site or store that can offer a reasonably priced case of hot sauce/woozy bottles without the crazy shipping for Canadians? (I only need one case)
I would think that TO would have an ample list of bottle manufacturers and distributors. Also look into restaurant supply stores. I'm in the Windsor area, I'm going to be buying some within the next week or so from a place in Detroit and then just pick them up to save on shipping.
A quick Google search have me 'Richards Packaging Inc', located in Toronto. They seem to have woozy bottles.
Even the shipping in the US is too much. Ive been buying a few Tapatio bottles at the supermarket every week at .90 each and eating a lot of wings. The labels scrub right off with PBW. Cheapest i could find was $1.20 each and like $30 to ship 96 bottles a few states away.
Richards Packaging has a minimum $100 order for the walk-in store. Try Consolidated Bottle on Union St., they have a cash and carry store with no minimum purchase.  There are no prices on their site but I just bought some from there myself and I think it's about $ 0.70 for a 5oz bottle with cap and orifice reducer.  Unfortunately for me I learned the hard way, while I drove there to buy some bottles and save on the $35 shipping fees most online stores would have charged me, by the time I drove into Toronto and back from Guelph it probably cost me about $40 or more in gas for my truck :cry:.  Next time I'll just order online, save the $5 and 2+ hrs of 401 traffic.