shopping Where to Buy Cost Effective Perlite and Vermiculite Central Florida

Koreansoul said:
HI all! King, I called Lukas and then I called another place here called Diamond R Fertilizer and all I can say is wow. A 4cu Ft bag of Perlite is 9.00. A 4cu ft bag of Vermiculite is 10.35. Cheapest I've ever found and that much will last me a long long time. :)
I get my mine at Rockledge Gardens.  Cheapest I've found in the area, @ $22 for 4 cu ft of vermiculite.  I think perlite was $2-$3 cheaper.  But that's a fantastic price.  Sounds like they've cut out the middleman, and sold it closer to what it should be sold for.
Great find, and thanks for the info.  I'll check them out next time I'm in the area.